Friday, November 21, 2014

Follow Us Friday - Christmas Times a Comin'

Today is one of the most exciting days of the year in our household  No it's not a birthday or an anniversary.  It's the day we put our Christmas decorations up!

7:00am - Breakfast
Roman and I were extremely lucky this morning because John made us all French toast!  He tells me that he is the French toast master and that he is not to be messed with.  I'm quite okay with that as long as it means he's going to be making breakfast!  Fry away toast master, fry away!  Of course you can't cook alone in this house and Roman was there to help every minute of the way.  By help I mean play with caramel balls and somehow open a chocolate spider and gorge on half of it before John realized what he was doing!  He is so much like his mother it's scary most days.
**Proud Mama moment!  My big boy no longer uses a sippy cup!  Only big boy cups in this house!

7:30 am - Getting ready with a snowman!
There is little more that I enjoy more than being able to get ready by myself in the morning, and today was another one of those glorious mornings.  Since today was our Christmas decorating day I decided to bust out my Christmas Micky Mouse shirt!  Granted I wasn't completely alone because Roman and John were right outside the door but it was close enough.  Roman was however extremely quiet and happy because John sat on the bed and played "Do you want to be a snowman?" for him.  Now if you have a kid that is into Frozen you're probably twitching at the mere mention of the song, but because it's all new to us we are unaffected.  I don't know what it is about this particular video but Roman loves it.  He will literally sit there and watch it for 5 minutes straight without a peep and without moving, which is an incredible feat for him!  Might have to keep this video in my bag of tricks for those times when I need him to be quiet.

8:15am - Look at all the snow!
We had a few odds and ends left to pick up for our lovely holiday display so we headed over to the great Wally World first thing in the morning.  The great thing about going this early in the morning is that the store is basically empty to Roman could run around and I could dance down the isles - not that a busy store has ever stopped me (much to John's dismay).  It really is amazing that John will even go shopping with Roman and I.

9:30am - Winter has arrived!
Once we got home we finally let Roman run wild in the snow while John shovelled the little bit of snow we received off the drive.  Well, not too wild since he clearly wasn't dressed for playing in the snow, but just enough to wet his appetite for it.

Next it was time for the part of decorating that nobody enjoys, cleaning.  First things first we needed to reorganize Roman's stuff to make room for the tree.  We ended up having to move is table near the back door and move his toy bins in front of the window.  Not an ideal situation but we'll make do for a few months. 

I figured if I was moving all the chachkies on the entertainment centre I might as well dust while I was at it. I love these sponge clothes that I buy at Dollarama.  They come in a three pack; pink for the sink, yellow for the tub (because it matches ours), and blue for the pooh (or toilet).  This way you don't have to worry about wiping your counter down with the same sponge you used to wipe down the base of the toilet!  My secret cleaner is super simple; water, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.  All safe for little people but still kills all the nasty germs and bacteria!  While I cleaned, John and Roman started supper.  How did they get the fun job?

11:10am - Lunch
Again Roman and I were treated to the culinary stylings of John and his delicious tuna sandwiches.  John holds his tuna recipe close to his chest but I did manage to find out that it includes mayo, garlic, chives and lemon juice.  I was told that John is a tuna master and that he is not to be messed with.  Anyone else notice a trend today....

11:40am - The decorations have arrived!
The giant bins of Christmas decorations ascended the stairs, thanks to John, and we all dived in to find the treasures!  With our new entertainment centre we have a ton of space for Christmas decorations, which is perfect because we have a ton of decorations.  They've all been collected from various craft sales, stores, and some I made myself.  I picked up come inexpensive window clings from Dollar Tree to jazz up the front windows.  Mostly they are toys for Roman but while they stay up they look good.

Oh and we also locked Roman in the decoration bucket.  He seemed to enjoy it as much as we did!  *Note: no children were harmed in the making of these photos.

12:20pm - Nap Time
It's nap time for Roman and time for John and I to kick into high gear!  The goal was to get the tree up and decorated before Roman woke up.  You might think we would want Roman to help us, but if you've ever met Roman then you know he would be absolutely no help at all.  This is the first time we've set this tree up so it took me a solid 30 minutes just to fluff all the branches.  I say "me" because John hates fluffing branches, and isn't very good at it, so he got a break while I fluffed.  I like to hang all our favorite decorations first and then fill in with the others.  I would go into more detail about the tree and all the other decorations, but I'm going to do a special post dedicated to all our decorations.  So keep an eye out for it!

 John was a real sport when it came to moving the tree into place.  I originally thought we should have the tree in the middle of the windows in the living room, but didn't take into account an extension cord running there with a toddler running around, so we had to move the tree into the corner.  Then John got stuck under the tree and hand to do the worm to get out from behind it.  I really wish I had taken a video of it but I was laughing so hard my mascara was running and my stomach hurt.
2:45pm - Snack
As always, Roman woke up as hungry as a bear after hibernation.  John was in charge of the snack this time and made Roman a delicious peanut butter & jam sandwich.  It must have been delicious because there was not a crumb left!

3:00pm - Outdoor Decorations
It was pretty chilly outside and we knew we would be out for awhile so we bundled Roman up in his warmest winter gear.  It was actually nice to get to test out his new snow suit and boots before it was -50.  My Mom knitted him this fabulous balaclava style toque which kept him toasty warm!  Back to the decorations!  John took care of all the inflatables while Roman and I put together the tree.  This tree was the one we used in our house in past years, but now that we have a new tree we decided to move this one outside!  John's planning was spot on and everything worked out perfectly!

4:00pm - Back to the warmth!
It's always nice to come in to a nice warm house when you've been outside for awhile.  Except when your glasses fog up.  You would think with all the technology in the world these days they could make glasses that don't fog.  Maybe they do and I just don't know about it.... 

4:45pm - Escape!
John and Roman were having a whale of a time together so I decided to sneak down to my craft room to work on some Christmas decorations I was working on.  There will be a post coming soon on it I promise!  Man this post has a lot of promises weaved into it! 

6:00pm - Supper
While I was crafting, the boys made a delicious roast beef meal with all the fixin's.  It was so tasty in fact that I was more concerned about eating it than photographing it, so I'll I got was a photo of the leftovers.

6:30pm - Tubby Time
Today tubby time was full of splashing, swimming, toys and bubble blowing!  Roman hasn't been a big fan of having his teeth brushed lately since he's in the process of cutting his molars.  Hopefully once these teeth are in he will go back to his happy brushing routine!

7:00pm - Bed Time
Ahhh peace and quiet!  We don't get a lot of that in our house so it's nice to sit and enjoy for a few hours each night.  Well, other than the occasional dog fight (play fight) it's quiet.  Around this time I hunkered down for some blogging!

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