Thursday, November 13, 2014

Chicken Taco Salad

Way back in 8th grade, taco salad was one of the very first things I ever cooked.  Unless that is you count the after school snacks consisting of countless pots of KD and numerous grilled cheese sandwiches.  Taco salad is a quick and easy weeknight meal, but it can also be healthy!  Traditionally, as far as I know anyway, taco salad is served with beef and a dressing of some sort, but I like to make a few switches and skip the dressing.  I promise it will still be moist, flavorful, and you definitely won't miss the dressing!

Chicken Taco Salad
1lb ground chicken
1t garlic powder
1t onion powder
1t cumin
1t chili powder
1 bell pepper, chopped
1 tomato, chopped
1/2 cup salsa
2 green onions, chopped
1/2 head romaine lettuce, torn
1 1/2 cups crushed tortilla chips
1/2 cup shredded cheese

Season ground chicken with garlic powder, onion powder, cumin and chili powder and then brown in a pan over medium high heat.  Add bell pepper, tomato and salsa and cook until warmed through, remove from heat.  In a large bowl mix together chicken, green onions, lettuce and tortilla chips.  Top with shredded cheese and serve.

I usually assemble my taco salads in individual portions.  This way the ingredients are evenly distributed and everyone gets some of everything.

I love this recipe because of it's simplicity and freshness and also because it's quick to make and good for you!  To save yourself even more time you could cook your chicken and freeze it.  Then all you have to do is reheat and dress your salad!

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