Thursday, November 20, 2014

Grandma's Peach Crisp

I came across these giant cases of peaches at Superstore, and for $25, I knew I had to take advantage of them.  Even Mom jumped on the band wagon and bought a couple cases!  What in the world was I going to do with 42 peaches the size of softballs?  Make peach crisps, that's what!

Peach crisp is a classic dessert and I'm sure everyone and their Grandma (ha!) has a recipe for it.  I however happen to this that this is the best one.  Why?  Because it came from my Grandma!  The same woman who introduced me to other delicious meals like her Hash and Homemade Pie Crust.  It has just occurred to me that I really should have spent more time in the kitchen with my Grandma.  This woman was clearly a culinary genius whether she knew it or not.  Little did we know back then how well we had it when we ate at Grandma's house!

Peach Crisp
6 medium size peaches, peeled and sliced
lemon juice
1/4 cup sugar
pinch of cinnamon
1/2 cup butter
1 cup flour
3/4 cup brown sugar

Preheat oven to 350°.  Arrange peach slices in a buttered 9 inch square baking dish.  Sprinkle with a little lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon.  In a bowl combine butter, flour and brown sugar.  Spread the mixture over the fruit in an even layer.  Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes.
This is the same recipe my family uses for apple crisp and it is equally as delicious!

Obviously I didn't make one large peach crisp.  I decided to make many smaller crisps to freeze so that I could take out just enough for us to have with one meal.  This prevents me from eating the rest of the pan the next day as it stares me down from the second shelf of the fridge.  Sometimes you need to be one step ahead of your dessert loving self!

*TIP - if you decide to freeze your peach crisp, instead of allowing it to thaw on it's own, pop it into the oven frozen for 45 minutes at 350°.  This will warm it right up and make the crumble nice and crispy again!

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