Friday, November 14, 2014

Follow Us Friday - November 14, 2014

With winter quickly approaching and John being in the tire business, he isn't home a lot these days.  Since John was home today we decided to make the most of our day and get a bunch of stuff done.  No rest for the weary right John?

I'm going to apologise in advance if there seem to be any blank time slots in this Follow Us Friday.  I usually make notes on my phone of what we did that day since my memory tends to fail me, and a recent attempt at an iPhone update sent me back to factory settings and lost all my notes, among other things.  I'm calling on the memory Gods for this one!

6:30am - Breakfast
I'm going to have to start putting my camera in the kitchen the night before I plan on photographing a Follow Us Friday because I'm really bad at getting pictures of breakfast lately.  Not that it was anything earth shattering.  Roman had some delicious cheesy eggs that John made for him and John and I both had oatmeal.  Good ole' brown sugar for me and brown sugar with raisins for John.

6:45am - Getting ready & planning
As soon as I headed to the bathroom to get ready Mr. Roman made a dash for his favorite perch.  Lately he's been loving standing on the toilet and playing with the taps and water.  He's pretty good about just sticking his hands in the water and not splashing too much.  Hey if that's what it takes to keep him happy while I get ready for the day that's what we will do.

First thing on the agenda for the day was to drawn up a plan-o-gram for Christmas decorations for the front yard.  We live for Christmas and are working on becoming the Griswolds this year and that takes planning!  After Christmas last year we scored some great deals on Christmas decorations so our collection is growing.  I also managed to find a couple brand new, never out of the box, inflatables at a garage sale for $5!  The yard is going to be pretty full this year so we need to figure out what is going where, how many extension cords we need, and how in the world we are going to power it all.  If you live on our block and loose power this holiday season, I apologise in advance!

8:30am - Snack Time
John fixed Roman a super tasty snack consisting of strawberries, cheese and yogurt.  If you shop at Superstore on a regular basis you probably know how hard it can be to get a good batch of strawberries, especially this time of year.  Someone must have been smiling down on me the last time I was there because this batch of strawberries is the most delicious I have ever had in my life.  They were all super dark red and perfectly sweet.  My mouth is actually watering just thinking about them!  While the boys enjoyed their snack I got Roman's bag all packed up to go shopping and to change my tires.
9:00am - Tire Change Over
John being in the tire business can be a blessing and a curse.  A blessing because I don't have to think about my tires or general vehicle maintenance at all because John can look after it all at work.  A curse because I'm always dead last to get my tires switched.  Yes I am that fool driving on studded tires a month after the snow melts because I have to wait for everyone to change over first.  I love my studded tires, and living in a city where snow removal seems to be optional, they make a huge difference in town as well as on the highway.

Roman was in his glory being in the shop while John changed the tires.  At first he was a little unsure of all the noises and machines, but as soon as he saw the tires he was all smiles.  What boy doesn't want to be surrounded by cars and tires?

10:00am - Divide and Conquer!
With the tires changed and our Christmas plan-o-gram in hand, it was time to spread out and gather our supplies.  John and Roman headed to Peavy Mart and Home Hardware to get extension cords and power posts, and I hit up Wal Mart to get a few Christmas craft supplies, milk and cheese strings.  Basically the essentials in our house.

11:00am - Lunch
Once we all got home we sat down to a delicious grilled cheese lunch.  I almost forgot to take a picture of lunch so you only get a photo of what I could peal out of John's hands before he demolished it.  Roman finished his grilled cheese off with some Apple & Sweet Potato Corn Puffs; one of his new favorite snacks/desserts.

What does Roman do once he's refueled?  Run wild of course!

12:20pm - Nap Time & Quilting
Much to John's pleasure, Roman went down for his nap after he burnt off all that extra steam.  While John took a much needed chill break, I headed down to my craft room to work on the quilt I was making for Trellyn's newest addition, Chloe.  Thankfully I have a big enough room that I could lay out all the squares to see what the quilt will look like before I sew it together.  It's supposed to be a "scrappy quilt" meaning you just randomly sew the squares together.  But knowing my luck I'd end up with all the different patterns in a line so I decided to lay them out first.

2:30pm - Up & Snack Em'
I managed to get a good portion of the quilt done before Roman woke up.  Of course Roman woke up hungry so we headed to the kitchen for some Asian pear and milk.

3:00pm - Christmas Decoration Prep
Then it was time to prep the front yard for all the decorations!  We bundled Roman up in his winter gear and headed out to figure out where the power posts needed to be.  These power posts are the most amazing thing ever invented!  They are basically an outdoor power bar that sticks into the ground.  With these we won't have 6 extension cords all running to the house and having to find a way to plug them all in.

I also had to replace one of the Command Hooks we have on the outside of the house because it broke of during the summer.  Last year I had the idea to hang bows under each of our front windows on the outside of the house, but I didn't want to puncture the siding in order to hang them.  I thought the Command Hooks would work great but I wasn't sure if they'd hold up.  Well it's a year later and all 4 were still hanging on!

4:00pm - Inside play
We came back inside to play cars and read stories.  At least I assume that's what we did.  Like I said I lost my notes and I don't have any pictures from this time so I can only assume that we did the typical stuff that we do throughout the day.  I guess I could make something more interesting up.....We went to the stables to find our trusty steeds to take us on a joyous ride through the countryside on this beautiful autumn day!

6:00pm - Supper
Today we decided to clean out the fridge at supper time, so there were leftovers all around.  Roman and I had leftover cannelloni and John made a Thai inspired pho soup with spaghetti and mushrooms.  It was actually pretty tasty, but not quite as tasty as my cannelloni.  Of course Roman loves any kind of pasta smothered in sauce so he was happy as a calm.

With supper done it was time to get naked and play for a bit before tubby & bed.  Well, at least for Roman.  Something about this kid in a waffle knit onsie and socks just screams super cute Christmas to me.  Maybe all the decoration prep is starting to cloud my judgement?

6:30pm - Tubby Time
Roman has recently learnt to say "bye" and as soon as you tell him it's tubby time he starts waving and saying "bye" as he heads to the bathroom.  About half way there he comes back to say "bye" again and wave.  This is usually repeated a few times before he finally goes to the bathroom or John retrieves him. 

7:00pm - Bed Time
Roman has this routine down pat!  After he gets dressed he comes out to the living room and then heads into the kitchen for his bottle.  He patiently waits while his milk is warmed then we repeat the "bye" and waving routine until one of us can herd him down the hallway to bed.

8:00pm - The Walking Dead
The highlight of our Sunday night is always The Walking Dead.  Even more so since daylight savings time moved it back an hour and we no longer have to miss the first half while we put Roman to sleep!  There are very few shows that John and I actually make an effort to catch every week but this is the exception.  This week's episode was a little uneventful but I'm sure the next one will be action packed!

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