Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Craft Room Makeover

I have been waiting for this moment since we first bought our house over a year ago!  It's been sitting on the back burner since the upstairs and Roman's spaces obviously take priority over my creative lair.  Now that Roman is a little older and a lot more independent I decided it was time to get this party started!

This room has sat unused with piles of stuff everywhere since we moved in.  Once in awhile things get moved around when I need something, and the piles have slightly grown with added projects and supplies.  Roman loves doing crafts and I'd love to be able to find all of my supplies to come up with little projects for him instead of buying more stuff every time I come up with an idea.  I of course have to admit my selfishness in wanting a space where I can work on quilting, scrap booking (I'm still working on my class Europe trip from 2004), and any other fun projects I dream up,  Plus I think John has had enough of me hauling supplies onto the kitchen table.  I'm actually surprised he's lasted as many years with all my craft stuff as he has.

The room was pretty bare bones when we moved in.  The closet basically didn't exist and the color of the walls was an institutional grey - I swore I had a before photo of this room but it seems to have evaded me.  Like every other room in the house all the trim and baseboards are missing and that is a project we are going to tackle once we replace/install flooring throughout the house, or at least level by level. The carpet, while not something we would have chosen, is fairly new and in great shape, so the green monster is here to stay!

This is the one room in the house that I feel like I can stamp "GIRL!!" with a big rubber stamp so I knew I wanted a girly color for the walls.  I had originally tried to pick something that would pair nicely with the carpet, but with a house full of boys, blue, grey and green walls, I decided that just wasn't going to do.  I threw all design logic out the window and went with hot pink!  Anyone that knows me was probably a little shocked when they saw the color choice because I am not a pink girl, but I wanted a happy color that would inspire me.  Because the room is in the basement I decided to paint 3 walls white and use the pink as an accent wall.  Our basement is full of these little bulk heads that enclose the heating ducts, and while most people would be annoyed with them I actually love them!  To me they feel like beams and I knew that I wanted to accentuate the bulk head instead of trying to hide it.  What better way the accentuate it than slathering a coat of hot pink on it?  I used this same technique in our basement living room and loved the way it turned out so I just had to replicate it here.  This paint job took a whopping 4-5 months.  Not because the paint was horrible or we ran into problems, but solely because I got busy with Roman and this room was abandoned. 

Fast forward to present day and I need storage, and lots of it!  As you can tell from the piles all over the room, I have a lot of crafting and party supplies.  Probably way more than any one person needs, and I might be considered a hoarder to some, but I'm okay with it.  I decided to re-purpose a couple storage cubes that we already had in the house and turn them into a desk.  I found this idea on Pinterest, and as soon as I saw the pin I knew I could make it happen.  One cube was sitting in storage while the other was being used as a dresser of sorts for Roman.  Now that Roman has his own dresser that I revamped for him, I decided to nab his cube.  I purchased a table top from IKEA when we were visiting Trellyn and her family in Alberta (IKEA you NEED to come to Saskatchewan!!!).  John sunk a few screws into the table top and voila, a craft table for around $100.  It may seem like a lot but look at all the awesome storage!

On top of the desk I have two lazy susans, one for scissors and one for pens, glue and other random stuff.  I also have a basket that houses my one true love when it comes crafting, my glue gun.  There is nothing you cannot do with a glue gun in hand!  The wireless speaker from out kitchen has also made it's way onto the table right beside one of our wedding favor glasses filled with the pheasant feathers from my wedding bouquet.  One of these days I will find a project worthy of these feathers!  The Roman (the group of people, not the kid) looking vase was a score from Value Village that I plan on doing something to soon.  In the mean time I popped a few flowers in it.  The smaller ones are actually made from wire and almost a stocking material.  They are super cool and I love them, plus they are from my first trip to Toronto to visit John! Aww....

I positioned the table in the centre of the room because I've always wanted a desk in the centre of the room (I'm not sure where that strange desire comes from), and it will make cutting and moving fabric for quilting much easier.  Where ever you decide to place your table take into account where your light is coming from and where you will be sitting.  If the light is behind where you sit, you will always have a shadow where you are working which can be extremely frustrating.  The lighting isn't the best in this room, again because it's in the basement, so I knew I wanted to have a light on my work table to cut down on the shadows even more.  To avoid extension cords running across the floor for Roman to grab onto, I decided to run the cord up the wall and through the t-bar ceiling and then down onto my table.  Let's hope this keeps Roman from ripping the pretty lamp from Wal-Mart off the table.  I found this super comfy stool at Home Depot and I really like the way the black chair anchors the table.

The next adventure was the closet storage system.  I purchased this Closet Maid kit (plus a few extra pieces) from Lowes for $200 which was a great deal!  I compared prices at Home Depot, and to purchase a similar system piece by piece would have cost nearly $300!  I have never in my life installed something like this but I figured it couldn't be too hard.  Boy was I wrong.  Granted I think it was more the materials I was provided with that caused the problems and not my building competency.  Luckily John came to my rescue and solved all my problems.  The top rail is secured to the drywall with butterfly anchors and each vertical rail has two screws anchored into the drywall as well, making it nearly bomb proof or at least hopefully toddler proof!  I also picked up this neat hanging basket which adds more storage without needing to add more holes to the wall.  Plus I can move it around depending on where it will work best.  Most of the plastic storage stands I either already had or I inherited when Mom cleaned out her craft room.  Hey, if these are the things people are getting rid of I will gladly take them!

No makeover, or any project for that matter, would be complete in my house without something from the dollar store.  All of the bins, baskets and tubs are from Dollar Giant or Dollarama.  The super cute black tiles hanging on the wall are also from Dallarama.  Art for $6, why not?!  The paper lanterns I originally purchased second hand for our wedding.  I made sure to keep a few after the wedding because I knew I wanted to hang them in our house some day.  Now that I have my very own space, I can't wait to get down to business and create some amazing things!

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