Friday, November 28, 2014

Follow Us Friday - Agribtion 2014

Today is one of the most exciting days of the year!  Our annual trip to Agribition!!!  I have been going to Agribition for as long as I can remember and I still look forward to it every year, and this year you get to come with us!

7:00am - Breakfast
Of course the one time I plan my day around Roman being up at 6:30am is the day that he decides to sleep until 7:00am..  Not that I'm complaining because I'd much rather have a happy, well rested toddler with me in public!  Today for breakfast Roman is having a bowl of Apples & Oranges toddler cereal.  He really enjoys this cereal and because it is on the stickier side he can feed himself without making a huge mess,   I had oatmeal and brown sugar for breakfast, big surprise there.  I wonder how long this oatmeal kick will last?

8:00am - On the Road!
I made sure to pack all Roman's snacks last night so I only had to grab the bag and jump in the car.  This was Roman's first long trip forward facing in his car seat so I was a little apprehensive.  He did fairly well but got bored looking at snow covered fields pretty quick.  I'm sure that will improve with time.  He sure did seem to perk up when he saw Grandma pull up next to us!

9:00am - Agribition!
For those of you who don't know, Agribition is pretty much the most amazing event in the world!  It's one of the largest agricultural shows in North America and has a ton of animals, equipment and every else farm related on display.  My personal favorite is always the cow barns because I have a strange love of cows; I happen to this they are the cutest animals ever!  Especially the Maintainers!  I didn't know this breed even existed, but as soon as I saw these adorable spotted cows with rounded ears I was in love.  Roman really seemed to enjoy the alpacas as well as the horses but he wasn't really sold on the entire animal thing.  Which was a little surprising to me because he loves all other animals. 

This however will not shock you, Roman LOVED the equipment!  As soon as we walked into the arena he was clamoring to get out of the stroller.  As soon as I set him down he took off like a shot and didn't stop until he had sufficiently inspected each and every piece of equipment, and of course all the tires.  I apologise in advance for the blurry pictures.  There was no way to catch a picture without Roman darting around.  Once he had seen all the equipment he decided to "stomp around like a cow" (as Mom said) in the wood chips around a tractor.  I think he probably would have stayed in there all day if I would have let him.  I did however manage to drag him away from the tractor and the chips with the promise of a snack!

Roman munched on some yogurt drops, rice puffs, toddler cheesies and a granola bar while we wandered around a few of the exhibits.  With the snacks demolished we headed into the Brandt Centre to check out some High School rodeo.  Roman seemed to enjoy watching the horses walk around in the arena but he really got excited once the calf roping event started up.  I'm not sure if it was the calves & horses running or the music that was pumping through the building but Roman got really excited.  So excited in fact that he was jumping up and down in my lap and proceeded to throw his soother into the empty seats below us.  Mom saw it take a rogue bounce on a stair but what happened after that is a mystery.  Unfortunately the teal monster soother was never seen again.

12:15pm - Dairy Queen!
Not the healthiest choice but once in awhile a couple chicken nuggets are delicious.  I was pretty impressed with Dairy Queen's kids meals though.  They give you the option of having a banana or applesauce as a side!  I know other places do apples or applesauce but I think it's genius to have fresh bananas as an option for kids that don't have enough teeth to chew an apple yet! 

I saw a commercial the other night for Dairy Queen's chicken strip basket and I've been dying to have them since then.  Mom had a cheeseburger and poutine.  We really must have worked up an appetite at Agribition because most of the plates were cleared, except Mom who can actually show some self control, unlike myself.

12:40 - Homeward Bound
Or so we thought.  We were about 5 minutes out of the city when I got a call from Mom.  Turns out we forgot to move the 15 pound bucket of honey from my vehicle to hers.  Why did I have a 15 pound bucket of honey you may ask?  A friend of mine from college, who lives out of town, actually has a honey farm and Selby bought this pail of honey from him so I met up with him and picked up Selby's honey pot (HA! Winnie the Pooh reference).  So back to the city we went to transfer the honey. 

The adventures of the day finally caught up to Roman and he passed out before we even got back to Regina.  He slept right through the honey switch and all the way home.

1:30pm - Back in Moose Jaw
I'm sure other mom's can relate to driving around town with a sleeping kid in the car.  Roman really needed the nap and I knew if I stopped the car he was going to wake up.  So I toured around Moose Jaw while Roman slept peacefully in the back.  There were a few red lights that almost did us in but luckily he ended having a decent nap.

2:00pm - Sleeping Beauty awakens!
With Roman rested and ready to roll we headed into the house to play with cars.  I was a little excited to see that Roman was happy to play with his toys by himself for the most part because this Mama needed a little rest.  I think all the walking around Agribition and driving around town aimlessly finally caught up to me.

Of course there is always a catch when kids let their Mom rest.  I caught a whiff of something not so pleasant and took Roman to his room to take care of it.  **Warning - if you are not a parent you might be utterly disgusted by the following details.  Even if you are a parent you might be...**  This is by far the worst poop Roman has ever have in his life.  There was more poop in the leg of his pants than there was in his diaper.  In fact, it was all the way to his ankle.  That's one way to wake your Mom up....

3:30pm - Snack Time
Today Roman pulled an apple out of the fruit crisper so I cut that up for him to munch on.  He had an apple fruit pouch left over from Agribition this morning so he also sucked that back.

It was a pretty low key afternoon.  Roman and I spent a lot of time reading and doing other activities that didn't involve a lot of running around because I was spent!

5:45pm - Supper
Tonight for supper we had roasted chicken with potatoes and beets.  I attempted to make this for supper last night but I didn't get it in the oven in time so we had to have leftovers, which worked out great because I didn't have to cook tonight!

6:30pm - Tubby with Daddy!
Roman was very excited to have John home in time for tubby tonight since it doesn't happen that often now that it's John's busy season.  From what I was told both Roman and John had a blast!  John had Roman full on belly laughing by holding a bath toy in his mouth and shaking it like a dog. would a toy. 

For once in his life Roman actually found getting his pjs on more fun that tubby!  Roman normally screams when e gets his jammies on, so when I came home and saw these photos I almost thought it was someone else's kid!

7:00pm - DanceFit
I wasn't completely sure I even wanted to go tonight, but when John made a point of getting out of work in time for me to go, I knew I'd better go.  The longer I take this class the more I love it.  You would think that it gets easier to longer you go, you're wrong.  I think the instructor secretly loves trying to kill us.  Each week she comes up with new dances to keep us on our toes and I love it.  This week she had this dance to a song that was all drums and ad a jungle feel to it.  It was awesome!  I hope she does this one every week from now on!  The only down side?  It's one of her marathon dances and about half way through I always wonder why I like that one so much...

7:15pm - Bed Time
John said that bed time was a breeze, which is always good to hear when I'm not there to help.  I'm not surprised that he passed out so easy because he had a very busy day!

After DanceFit, and a much needed shower and clay mask, John and I hunkered down on the couch to watch some TV.  It must not have been anything to fantastic because I can't even remember what we watched now.  Probably something on the Food Network since that's usually the go to channel.  Or maybe Seinfeld.  John loves Seinfeld, I could live happy never seeing it again but that's just me.

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