Friday, September 19, 2014

Follow Us Friday - The Solo Mission

Today is going to be a crazy day!  Roman has swimming lessons tonight and John has his monthly meeting after work so I'm on my own for supper and the night time routine!  I guess it's only fair since John was on his own to put Roman to sleep last night while I was at my fitness class.  Let the craziness begin!

I also just want to put a disclaimer out there.  I am aware that my son is covered in spots.  It's not chicken pox or measles, he unfortunately jus takes after me and had an adverse reaction to the penicillin he received for his recent infection.  Just wanted to put that out there in case you think I'm taking my infectious kid out in public!

8:00am - Breakfast
Since Roman has recovered from being sick he's been sleeping later than normal the last few days.  Not that I'm complaining, I'm just used to getting up early and getting the day started!  We've already missed 2 hours of the day!  For breakfast Roman had a scrambled egg with vegetables, blueberries and milk.  I had a couple Breakfast Burrito Bites, but I think that will be the last day for that since they were the last ones.  I really need a freezer cooking day!

8:30am - Odds & Ends
Our vacuum recently kicked the bucket and we decided to bite the bullet and buy a Dyson.  We usually buy a cheaper vacuum but we're really tired of buying a vacuum every year.  The Dyson wasn't cheap but I have to say, the stuff it pulls out of our carpet is revolting.  The first time we used it I had to empty the canister twice just after vacuuming the living room!  The novelty of the new vacuum hasn't worn off me yet (I hate vacuuming with a passion) so I did a quick trip while Roman held the cord.  Much to Roman's dismay it was also nail cutting day.  He used to be so good with this but lately he hates it.  I think it's because it requires him to sit still which doesn't happen often anymore.  Of course after sitting still for a whopping 2 minutes he was raring to go as soon as I let go of him.
9:00am - Outside!
It was a little chilly out this morning so we bundled up and headed outside to play.  Roman has a bizarre fascination with tires, specifically the lug nuts.  I'm not sure if this is something John is secretly teaching him or something he does on his own, but we often have to walk up and down the street checking the lug nuts on all the vehicles/campers/trailers parked on the street.  I'm sure our neighbours think I'm scoping out the contents of their cars.  Hopefully there aren't any break ins or I know who the prime suspect will be!  Roman also discovered a small sandbox in the middle of the street!  The City of Moose Jaw is notorious for their horrible roads and ours in no different.  Great for toddlers, not so great for our vehicles.  To complete our play session in the front yard we took a bike ride around the crescent!  I recently found Bronx's ball in the back yard and Roman is loving playing fetch with him.  I'm not so crazy about Roman also carrying the ball around in his mouth but I guess it could be worse?
10:00am - Snack Time
John picked Roman up some strawberry banana Minigo yogurt last time we went grocery shopping so that is what he has been having for a morning snack lately.  After demolishing the yogurt, Roman sucked back an apple fruit pouch and a little milk.

10:15 - Play Time
With Roman full and happy it was time to destroy the living room.  At least that's what it looked like to me.  He immediately dumped out all the food from his play kitchen; which officially signals the beginning of the day in this house.  If you have young kids I highly recommend getting them a table and chair set.  Roman got this set from my parents for his birthday and he literally lives at it.  He's always hauling things onto it, shoving them off, and repeating.  He also likes to sit in the chairs and look out the window.  I'm sure it won't be long before he wants to eat his snacks and meals at the table, which I'm sure Bronx will love given the height of the table.

11:30 - Lunch
Sometimes it seems like all I ever do is cook, at least that's what it feels like when I'm writing these blog posts!  For lunch Roman had leftover meatloaf with veggies and milk.  He gobbled it up in a hurry so he must have been hungry!  I had some leftover beetniks and one of my "healthy" pops.  This time I mixed strawberry kiwi juice in with my club soda, delish!

12:00 - Daycare
Roman hasn't been to daycare since he caught his bug over a week ago, so I was pretty nervous for the drop off.  Like normal he got a little upset once he saw the building outside the vehicle, but the drop off went surprisingly well.  He went to his favorite person with his chooch (soother) and I didn't even see him cry.  It could be that he started once I was around the corner but I'm going to pretend that he didn't cry! 
12:30 - Get stuff done!
Whoop, whoop for daycare!  I love that I'm able to get things done each day while Roman is in daycare.  I'm really going to miss this time once the month is up!  I started by finally cleaning up the garage from a recent project that I finished.  Don't worry the blog post of it will be coming soon!  My next victim?  The craft room!  I'm desperate to get this little oasis up and running so today I finally got the work table set up.  Once John screws the top down it will be go time!  Well, I guess I'll have to organize it all first... yay.  With perfect timing John came home for lunch so I got to sit and visit with him for a bit.  It's so strange to be able to sit and have a conversation without having to pause for a scream from Roman or to pick up a sippy cup for the 10th time.  Finally I decided to get supper started so it would be basically ready for when Roman and I got home from swimming lessons.  Roman now likes to help with all meals so the more I can do without him on a chair beside me the better sometimes.
4:00 - My baby!
This is when I learnt a tiny tid bit that shocked and terrified me.  Roman didn't nap at all!  His teachers tried everything they could to get him to go down but he fought them tooth and nail.  He was still in good spirits when I picked him up, but to say I was a little nervous for swimming lessons is an understatement.
5:00pm - Swimming lessons
Roman LIVES for the water.  I really don't think he could be any happier than when he's in the pool.  Today we worked on back floats, front floats, jumping in from the edge and Roman also learnt how to blow bubbles!  He was so proud of himself!  It's a lot of work to get a toddler in and out of the pool for a 30 minute class, but how can you deny him something he loves?  Especially with that face!

6:30pm - Supper
Roman and I had spaghetti with chicken, mushrooms and homemade alfredo sauce.  Thanks to my pre-cooking, supper was a synch!  All that was left to do was boil the pasta and reheat the sauce.  As you can tell it was a hit with Roman.  Really as long as you serve this kid pasta he's happy.  Such a little Italian boy.  On another note, I don't know how people have kids without dogs.  Seriously though!  I can't imagine having to pick up all that food all the time!  The dogs are much more efficient and I just have to mop up at the end of the day! 

7:00pm - Tubby Time
Since John is at a meeting tonight Roman has to put up with me doing the bathing.  We had a dandy time splashing, swimming and blowing bubbles.  Not a tear was shed and I consider that a huge accomplishment considering how long he was awake!

7:45 - Bed Time
Roman had 4oz of milk and collapsed into a heap in his crib.  Completely asleep.  Can't imagine why he's so exhausted...

8:10 - Mommy Time!
Every parent knows that you don't start doing something the second your kid goes to sleep.  That's just asking for them to wake up!  After a safe amount of time had passed I decided it was time for Mommy time!  Lately I've been loving face masks; clay, sugar, peel off, even chocolate!  Tonight I decided to use a face polish that has activated charcoal and sugar in it.  Of course no night is completely without a cup of tea!  Tonight I went with a Maple Sugar flavoured black tea.  Yum yum!


  1. I LOVE all the pictures!!!! You really need to post more Instagram pictures, that kid is growing up too fast! What a little goon, he's so stinkin cute! He looks like he's dragging you down the hall to go swimming. Lol.

    That rash! Boy, you weren't kidding poor kid! I'm glad he's FINALLY on the mend though!!

    I'm glad to see your "pop" treat today wasn't whatever you had the last time you posted, wasn't it something with beats? This one sounded actually good. Lol.

    I love your craft room table!!

    Supper sounds delicious! And I agree... Cleaning up after meals without dogs is near impossible, especially rice!!! How DO people clean rice off the floor without the help of a dog?? I secretly let Torkie in the house at my parents when my mom isn't looking to clean that stuff up... Lol.

    The only thing you're missing is clearly a picture of the mask ON your face, not just a picture of the bottle.... ☺️

    1. He pretty much does drag me to the pool!

      I agree, rice is the worst!

      I'll be sure to post a picture if the mask next time lol
