Friday, September 26, 2014

Follow Us Friday - Pumpkin Hallow - Lumsden, SK

Today was an amazing day!  We had some great family time and made some great memories with Roman.  Our entire day basically revolved around Pumpkin Hallow.  It was the first time any of us had been there so it was a great adventure for the whole family.   I will apologize in advance for the overload of pictures, I couldn't help myself! 

6:30am - Breakfast
As you can see Roman is back in the habit of getting up bright and early.  It's taken me a few days to get used to it, but now that I am it's awesome to get an early start on the day.  Today Roman had an apple cinnamon waffle with syrup, blueberries and milk for breakfast, and I had a couple egg cups from a recent freezer cooking day.  Obviously I wasn't quite with the program yet this morning because I didn't snap any pictures of breakfast.  I can assure you it was delicious!

7:15am - Breakfast with Dad
This time I managed to get a picture!  It never ceases to amaze me how this child is always hungry and ready to eat.  Even though he had already devoured his own waffle, Roman decided it was necessary to help Dad with his.

8:00am - Play time with Dad
One of the perks of the weekend is that I can get ready alone!  John and Roman headed outside to play while I made myself presentable.  One thing nobody tells you when your pregnant is how much you are going to miss doing small things by yourself, like brushing your hair, or washing your face, or putting on your makeup without fishing your brushes out of the dog's water bowl.  From what I could hear through the wall John and Roman seemed to have a fun time.  John has been trying to get Roman to say "Mommy" instead of his usual "Daddy".  I could hear the lesson going on just outside the bathroom window.  Unfortunately it didn't click.  Roman is still all "daddy" and "dada". 

9:00am - Pumpkin Hallow!  Or so we thought....
Dogs were in their kennels, bags were packed, and we were all in the vehicle ready for the great adventure!  Something in the back on my mind told me that I should check the Facebook page to see if they were open, just in case, since the road to Pumpkin Hallow is impassable when wet.  About a block from the house I found out that the road was too wet and that Pumpkin Hallow wasn't opening until noon.  Perfect.  So we turned the car around and headed back home to play.  On the plus side Roman seemed to enjoy the little excursion!

10:45am - Lunch
A very odd time for lunch, I agree.  Because we wanted to be on the road at 11:00am we had to feed Roman a little early today.  Luckily I had some delicious pizza spirals on hand that only needed to be warmed up.  Roman LOVED them.  As soon as he saw them he was pointing and "oooing".  Who knew he loved pizza so much!?  He quickly devoured two pizza spirals, which is shocking because he ate the same amount as me....  These pizza rolls were super easy to make and even John thought they were delicious!

11:00am - Pumpkin Hallow! (for real this time)
With his belly full, Roman was asleep before we even got out of town.  Not only did this make for a nice quiet drive, it also allowed me to indulge in a book I recently started reading.  "And Then She Was Gone" by Rosalind Noonan is a story about a young girl who was kidnapped from her community and held prisoner in a compound for 6 years.  It chronicles the girl's and her family's journey to getting their lives back together.  At least that's how much I know so far haha.  Thanks for the book Trellyn!

12:00pm - We have arrived!
An hour later we arrived at a little slice of heaven in the Qu'Appelle Valley.  Pumpkin Hallow is a tiny fall oasis that just screams happiness!  There is so much to do and see; corn maze, cow train, corn cannon, corn sandbox, hay slide, jumping pillow, animals, and tire swings.  You could literally spend an entire day there and not be bored for a single minute.  Today was superhero and princess day so a lot of the kids were all decked out in their costumes.  Even Roman dawned his finest Batman onsie and Batman crocs!  Roman's favorite attraction was definitely the corn sandbox.  He started out a little hesitant but soon he was swimming in it and scooping up piles of corn with his mouth!  We even found corn in his onsie once we got home! 

The second Roman saw the garden tractor there was no keeping him away.  My Dad has been taking Roman on tractor rides all summer in the hopes of instilling a love for it in him.  I think it's safe to say his mission is accomplished.  Roman was the youngest kid in line for the cow train and rode the entire time without crying at all!  Of course he didn't smile either, because riding in a cow train is serious business!  Roman had an amazing time running all over the grounds.  We will definitely be visiting again this year and will have to take Grandma and Grandpa with us.  I wonder who will have more fun, the grandparents or Roman...

*NOTE: Roman has decided that Mom has been right all this time and we truly do need a pony!

2:30pm - Part City
I needed to pic up a tray for a diaper cake I'm making so we made a quick stop at one of my favorite stores.  I could literally spend an entire day at Party City, and it isn't even that big.  I love parties, especially planning parties, and this store has it all!  They currently have all their Halloween costumes out, but unfortunately they were sold out of the costume John wanted for Roman (I've been told he's in charge this year).  So the hunt for a cool, big boy, superhero costume continues!

3:00pm - Supper at Swiss Chalet
Another bizarre meal time today!  John has a special place in his heart for Swiss Chalet.  Why is completely beyond me, but he loves it, particularly the chicken sauce.  He was pretty excited to introduce Roman to this nectar of deliciousness so how could I say no when he suggested we have supper there?  The service wasn't the fastest but luckily I packed some crackers and toys so I managed to hold Roman over until the food came.  I again was surprised at Roman's appetite.  He cleared the vegetables of his kids 1/4 chicken dinner and also ate half the chicken!  What 1 year old eats that much food!?  Our plates look the same!!

5:00pm - Good to be home
After a long day on the road it was nice to finally be home.  Roman and the dogs were quite excited to see each other after being separated for a whopping 6 hours!  So, Roman and John headed out to the yard to stretch their legs with their furry companions.  Obviously Dad isn't used to chasing this little man with a camera!

6:00pm - Snack
Since we had an early supper Roman had a snack at 6 to tie him over to breakfast in the morning.  John served up some avocado, cheese, banana and milk.  Roman gobbled it all up, no surprise there.

6:30pm - Outside time with Dad!
Roman's new favorite activity is throwing golf balls down the driveway.  I'm not sure how much John enjoys chasing the golf balls around but it's fun for me to watch from inside the house! haha  While the boys were outside I decided to quickly devour a few chapters in my book.  I don't know about you, but I'm the type of person that wants to read at all times once I get into a book.  Must. Read. Book.

7:15pm - Tubby Time!
Lately tubby time has been a bit of a battle.  We haven't quite narrowed down what the problem is, but Roman sure does a lot of screaming and crying in there lately.  I could hear John singing "Old McDonald", desperately trying to calm him down, but nothing works.  Once he's out and dressed it's a bit better but sheesh.  Maybe we just need to move tubby time up so it's not so late?

7:40pm - Bed Time
Given how unruly Roman was in the tub he calmed down fairly fast and went to sleep.  I'm sure the busy day and all that fresh air had something to do with it.

8:00pm - Tea Time
Ahhh the moment John and look forward to every night!  Bring on the tea!  Tonight John had Apple Cider from DavidsTea and I had a cup of Pink Lady from Steeped Tea.  I think Pink Lady might be my new favorite!

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