Friday, September 5, 2014

Follow Us Friday - September 5, 2014

Today is going to be a great day!  Why?  Well I wasn't feeling so great yesterday, so Roman didn't exactly have a fun Mom for most of the day, and I plan to make up for it today!  I will say though that there is a special place in heaven for kids who are angels when Mom is sick, and Roman definitely earned his place yesterday!  My living room was a disaster but he happily played by himself while I sat on the couch in a half comatose state.

7:00am - Breakfast
I'm clearly a creature of habit as I had Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Protein Oats again for breakfast.  Roman however broke out of his French toast rut and had scrambled eggs with mixed vegetables and milk.  After he polished that off he had a few frozen blueberries.  THIS is the reason I need to removed stains from all his pajamas before I wash them.  It's definitely a disaster but he loves them.

8:00am - Grocery Shopping
Before we could actually get in the vehicle to go grocery shopping Roman NEEDED to go for a bike ride.  Lately, the minute he sees his bike, he has to go for a ride.  He seems to have learned how to throw a mini tantrum while he was at daycare, and telling him he can't ride is bike is definitely a good way to see him perform his new skill.  If I have time I have no problem conceding to him and taking him for a ride.  After a quick trip down the street and back we were in the vehicle and on our way to Superstore!  It was a quick trip as we just needed some fruits and veggies but Roman enjoyed it non the less.  Although you'd never guess from this picture...

9:00am - Snack Time
Roman must have really worked up an appetite grocery shopping because he ate half an avocado, 2 strawberries, and a handful of raspberries with a side of milk.  Where dose this kid put all this food?  I was still pretty full from breakfast so I decided to make my version of pop.  I love this as a treat because it's pretty low in calories and tastes great.  Take half a glass of any fruit juice you like, in this case I used a Raspberry & Beet juice I bought today, and add half a glass of club soda to it.  You instantly have sparkling juice and it's half the calories of having a full glass of juice!

10:00am - Nap Time
Nap time for Roman meant blogging time for Mom!  Lately this nap has been fairly short so there isn't much point in starting anything else, plus I didn't get any blogging done yesterday.  I'm so excited about the posts I have sitting in queue!  Keep an eye out for delicious baking, garden updates, and some helpful tips!  I finished off my blogging with a Chocolate Zucchini Muffin, SO good!

11:15am - Lunch Time
On the menu today for Roman is some left over Smart Mac & Cheese with a side of chicken.  I used some leftover canned chicken for a chicken salad sandwich.  Notice how my sandwich is not nearly as pretty as John's tuna sandwich from the other day! haha.  I just have to mentioned that I LOVE the Kirkland canned chicken.  It isn't the ground chicken stuff that you normally find in canned chicken.  This is actual chunks of chicken, that still looks like chicken, its super tasty and doesn't have near the amount of salt as the other stuff.  I love having these on hand for lunches for Roman and I because it's so easy and still good for us!

12:00pm - To the park we go!
The weather is amazing today so we headed out to the park.  There is a park in town that has an accessible playground and a splash park all in one, so that's where we usually go.  We got lucky this time and the park was filled with little boys and even a couple close to Roman's age.  The only down side is that Roman would much rather chase the older kids up the play structure, which means Mom has to climb the play structure.  This kid has no sense of fear at all.  He will scale to the highest point on the structure and then attempt the take the fire pole down.  Really?!  It's like 15 feet down!  Crazy child!

1:20pm-1:40pm Nap Time
Well that lasted long...  It must have been a very refreshing nap because Roman hit the ground running when he woke up!

2:00pm - Cooking in the kitchen
Lately Roman wants to be involved in all of the cooking.  Usually this just involves him standing on a kitchen chair beside me and watching while munching on garden tomatoes or puffed wheat.  Well today I decided he was going to help.  I needed to make some more Breakfast Burrito Bites and I figured Roman could help me whisk the eggs.  He seemed to think it was pretty fun and he managed to keep his other hand out of the bowl *thank heavens*.  This is one of the moments I've been waiting for since I found out I was pregnant with Roman.  It's so exciting that he's now at the age that we can start doing things that will hopefully make up some great childhood memories for him later on!
2:45pm - Snack Time
Since the kitchen was already a disaster I thought I'd make a smoothie for Roman's snack!  I blended up 2 frozen bananas and 1 1/2 cups of frozen strawberries with some water.  Now I know for a fact that Roman knows how to use a straw but apparently he's forgotten in the last few weeks, so I ended up spoon feeding him his smoothie.  Non the less he did eat an entire glass of it, along with some cheerios.

3:00pm - Everybody in the pool!
Roman clearly was not going down for a nap so I figured I'd take him outside and see if I could exhaust him to the point of sleep.  The pool was already filled from yesterday so all I had to do was fill the water table.  You would think a pool would be more than enough water for a toddler, which would be correct if Roman wasn't a water baby with the attention span of a goldfish.  I don't know where he gets *squirrel*.  We had a blast playing in the water, with the dogs and eating green tomatoes!  This kid and his green tomatoes!

4:20pm - Nap Time
For real this time!  I watched an episode of Hot In Cleveland, well half watched because I'd already seen it, watched a few videos on YouTube, and caught this blog post up to date.  I finished up this unproductive nap by getting supper ready and in the oven.  As much as I hate these late naps they do make getting supper ready much easier!

6:30pm - Supper
Tonight we had homemade pizza!  Homemade pizza is not only a healthy meal but it's also an inexpensive one!  I love shopping the reduced rack in a bakery department and this is where I always score my pizza crusts.  I usually use naan or pitas for pizza crust because they are less doughy than regular pizza crust and you can make individual pizzas for everyone.  For Roman's pizza I chopped up some onions and added some of the leftover toppings from the burrito bites we made earlier in the day.  John and I had onion, pepper, spinach and tomato on our pizzas.  All were topped with a healthy serving of cheese and the sauce is just crushed tomatoes.  Roman wasn't completely sold on the pizza and basically sucked the toppings off the nann, which is fine with me since it's all veggies!

7:00pm - Outside time with Dad
The boys took off outside for some bike riding and finished the evening off with some chalk art on the driveway.  I think John and I get more enjoyment out of drawing on the driveway but I'm sure Roman will learn to love it too haha.  While they had all this fun, I had a little party of my own.  Dishes baby, yeah!  I know, your jealous of my exciting evening, but it's okay, I'm sure you'll have an evening this exciting some day.

7:30pm - Tubby Time!
Today's bath was oddly quiet.  It must have gone well because both John and Roman emerged from the bathroom unscathed and without tears.

8:00pm - Bed Time
Tonight was pretty low key or me.  John and I watched TV for awhile and I enjoyed a delicious cup of Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait Tea from DavidsTea.  DavidsTea has become a new obsession of mine.  The new fall collection just recently came out, so maybe I'll do a post on my favorite teas once I get my hands on some of the new tea!  Such a good ending to an awesome day with my favorite little man.

1 comment:

  1. Busy day!! I'm completely not sold on your version of pop though.. It sounded good up until the beets and club soda. Lol. Maybe I'll give it a chance one day.. The park pictures are ADORABLE! Actually all the pictures are, what a stinkin cute happy little man! Leila is the same at the park, luckily I can usually get her to stay off the dangerous stuff by saying it's for big kids.. But knowing Roman I don't think you'll convince him. Haha. The kitchen picture is so cute! I love the help too, but sometimes I like to do things when mines distracted with something else, less mess! The chalk - don't worry, one day that sidewalk chalk will become VERY fun, and it won't just be your driveway covered in it.... Good thing it's washable!
