Friday, September 12, 2014

Follow Us Friday - Sick but Recovering!

It appears summer is quickly coming to an end on the prairies.  For the next few days the temperature isn't supposed to get above 10°C.  I happen to love fall so I'm all for it!  Roman on the other hand will probably have a hard time adjusting to the cooler weather and not being able to go outside as much.  He has been pretty cooped up for the last few days as he has a virus and a bacterial infection, plus the poor little guy's first year molars are super swollen and causing him a lot of pain.  We have some antibiotics for him and he's slowly getting better and not sleeping/crying all day like he was in the beginning.  Here is what our days look like with a semi-cranky, hurtin' unit of a toddler.

7:30am - Breakfast
Or at least we attempted breakfast.  I had a couple Breakfast Burrito Bites and I attempted to share with Roman but he was having non of it.  I managed to get a few frozen blueberries into him along with maybe 1T of peanut butter that he sucked off a cracker.  He was up most of the night drinking milk for comfort so I wasn't completely surprised that he didn't have much of an appetite.

8:00am - Inside Play
Lately all Roman wants to do is sit on the couch and play.  Maybe it's because he sees John and I sitting on the couch?  Or maybe it's because he likes climbing to get up there?  Either way, this morning that was the location of most of his playing.  While he drove his ambulance and car around I sat on the floor and wiped his boogers as they ran down his lip.  Delicious, I know.  I must say though that he is a trooper when it comes to wiping his nose.  If you have a kid that hates having their nose wiped, try Boogie Wipes!  When I first saw them, while I was pregnant, I thought "what a money grab, just use a tissue!".  Oh how little I knew.  They are soaked in saline and are super soft which makes them much more gentle on little noses.  They are also great for melting off the crunchy boogers that get stuck to Roman's face during the night.

8:30am - Take me outside!!
Yes it's cool out, and yes Roman is recovering from being sick, but when this kid wants to go outside you go or suffer the consequences, and I personally would like to live to see tomorrow.  I bundled Roman up and we headed outside for a bike ride and some coloring.  Of course no trip outside is complete without visiting the backyard to eat some green tomatoes and play in the water table, which was empty much to Roman's dismay.  But who needs a fancy water table when you have an empty water bottle and a stage.  Let the dance party begin!!

9:15am - Snack
Praise Jesus the kid wants to eat!  There is nothing more concerning to a Mom than when her little one won't eat.  For the first 2-3 days Roman was sick he refused to eat anything.  I had to bribe and trick him to drink water and suck down a few snack pouches.  So today when he gobbled down a Minigo yogurt and 6 raspberries I couldn't have been happier!  You'll notice that Roman isn't in his highchair for this snack.  Well he suddenly decided one day that he was a big boy and wanted to sit in a regular chair.  Luckily my Mom had picked up this awesome John Deere booster seat at a consignment store, so I busted it out for him.  He goes back and forth on where he wants to sit, so for now we have both options available to him.  To top off his great eating Roman decided he'd clean the table for me!  Love this kid!

10:00am - Nap Time
Nap times have been a little rough lately with Roman being sick and it usually takes a bit of rocking and snuggling to get him to sleep.  Total flash back to 10 months ago when John and I had to bounce, rock, giggle and sway for an hour for Roman to go to sleep.  I'm praying that he transitions easily back to going to sleep by himself once he's feeling better.  Now it's time for my snack!  Nothing exciting just a rice cake with some dark chocolate almond butter on it.  I settled in for some blogging with a cup of Cinnaberry tea from DavidsTea.  I just picked this up on the weekend and it's absolutely delicious!  It tastes like blueberry crumble in a cup!  Given the chilly weather I decided it was time to bust out the candles.  I don't normally burn candles in the spring and summer but I almost always have one going in the fall and winter!  This banana pudding candle smells delicious in the jar but doesn't throw scent as much as some of the other Bath & Body Works candles do.  A little disappointing but it still smells good if your close to it!!

12:15pm - Lunch
In my attempt to keep Roman eating and happy I'm a little guilty of giving him only his favorites lately.  Luckily most of his favorites are good for him so he's still getting some food that will help him gain strength and rebound from being sick.  Today he had some delicious Smart Mac & Cheese, a bit of bread and some canned chicken.  I had a delightful chicken salad sandwich for lunch.  Okay so it wasn't really delightful it was pretty typical, but it was tasty!  Afterwards I enlisted Roman's help to unload and load the dishwasher.  He was surprisingly helpful!

1:30pm - Outside we go again!
I saw on the news while Roman was napping that we are going to have freezing, or close to freezing, temperatures overnight for the next week, so I knew I had to get the tomatoes in the house.  I still have pepper plants that are loaded with small peppers and blooms, so I'm hoping that if we cover them we'll be able to save them.  I love fall but it would have been nice if the cold temperatures held off until I got all my veggies in the house!  Roman of course was a great help at picking tomatoes, eating tomatoes, and stealing all my picked tomatoes and eating/squishing them. 

3:00pm - Snack Time and more playing!
Apparently Roman didn't eat enough tomatoes, so it was time for a snack!  Today he weaseled into the fridge in front of me and pulled out a square of Laughing Cow cheese and a bottle a jam.  Hey, I can take a hint.  So for a snack he had a cracker with cheese and bread with jam.  Obviously the jam was the real winner here.  Again, I'm just excited he's eating!  Once he was fueled up again it was time to do some serious building and have some kisses and cuddles with Bronx.

5:00pm - What a great time for a nap.
I had been been trying to tell Roman for 2 hours that he needed a nap but I guess he decided he wanted to wait until 5pm.  This isn't great for his sleeping routine since I ideally want him in bed by 8, but there is no way I was fighting with him until then.  I let him sleep as long as I could and woke him up around 5:50pm so he could have some....

6:15pm - Supper!
Lately John and I haven't exactly been eating the best food for us.  McDonalds, Chinese food, Beetniks (post to come on what this is), all delicious, all not good for us.  So I decided tonight would be a good salad night.  I love Taco Salad for a meal because it's hearty but still good for you.  I usually make it with turkey, like I did today, but any ground meat is delicious!  I like to skip the salad dressing and use salsa instead.  More flavor, less calories, and just as saucy!  Roman had a toddler version of taco salad with turkey, salsa, peppers, tomatoes, and cheese!

7:00pm - DanceFit Class!
I'll start with the back story.  When I was younger (8-13 years old) I was a competitive dancer.  I lived for dance.  I took tap, jazz as well as a few other classes.  I even took exams so I could one day teach dance.  I was dancing 3-4 nights a week for 2-3 hours a night.  I quickly burnt out and grew to loath dance when I couldn't hang out with my friends, not to mention it was extremely expensive for my Mom, so I decided to quit.  Over the years I have really missed the classes, so when we decided I would be staying home with Roman I knew this was my chance to get back into it, sort of.  I signed up for a DanceFit class at the local field house.  I'd never taken a class like this before but I was sure it was going to be a great time, plus it would help me with my weight loss goals and give me a short one hour break from the house once a week.  I wasn't disappointed!  It was an awesome class, even though I was quite sure I was going to die half way through.  Note to self, take two water bottles next time!
7:30pm - Tubby Time
I wasn't home for this event but I'm told it went amazingly well.  Roman laughed hysterically and splashed while John sang his rendition of "Old McDonald" which includes every member of our family.

8:00pm - Bed Time
The dreaded moment of the entire day.  With Roman being sick this is one of the hardest parts of the day (followed closely by night time where he is waking every 1-2 hours).  But wait!  Roman has a surprise for Mom tonight!  He went to sleep like his regular self!  Such a pleasant surprise when I have a bunch of stuff to get done before bed!  After a glorious shower I settled in with a delicious cup of Strawberry Rhubarb Parfait tea to finish up this blog post.  Tomorrow is another exciting day since Roman is starting his second session of swim lessons!  He loves to the pool so it's sure to be a blast!  Even if it is a lot of work for me.

It's now the next day but I had to give you an update!  Roman slept pretty much through the night!  I can see the light at the end of this sick tunnel!!! *insert happy dance here*

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