Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pedestal Serving Plates

Whether it's a unique serving bowl or arranging a fruit tray in an interesting pattern, I'm always looking for a new way to serve food at a party.  For an idea to make it to my table it has to look great, be easy to achieve, and of course inexpensive!  The thrift store and the dollar store are my best friends when it comes to projects like this. I'm always surprised at the gems that can be found at these discount stores, and your guests will be equally surprised when they ask where you found such amazing pieces!
Pedestal serving trays and cake stands are all the rage now.  Just one of these gorgeous stands can cost upwards of $50 in a home decor store.  I knew I wanted to have a few stands so purchasing them was not an option.  I had seen a few Pins on Pinterest (my love!) for pedestals similar to these, and I knew I could make them.  

I headed to the dollar store and found these great cups and plates.  I had planned on spray painting the finished products, but since I found pieces that matched my colour scheme I decided against it. I can always spray paint them later to match another party's decor. Instead of matching the colours of the pedestals and trays, I decided to mix them up to add more visual interest. 

To attached the plates to the cups, I ran a bead of hot glue around the rim of the cup and pressed it onto the plate. It held extremely well!  And that is all there is to it!  These three serving trays literally took me 10 minutes, and most of that was spent peeling the UPC stickers off of the plates (what in the world is in that glue?!?).  Not only are these going to look amazing on the food table for Roman's baptism, but they are pieces that I can use again for other parties, as a cookie tray, or a decor piece.

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