Thursday, March 6, 2014

Baptism Menu

What's a party without food?  I have no idea, I've never been to this strange, foodless, gathering you speak of.  As soon as we decide to throw a party, recipes immediately started scrolling through my mind.  The all time favorites, the recipes I've seen on TV and Pinterest, and maybe even a few that friends have made that I've enjoyed. This is usually the most difficult part of part planning for me is deciding on a menu.
In no time, I had a list of close to 10 dishes that I wanted to make.  I love a challenge as much as the next person, but 10 dishes in a week, while looking after a 7 month old, not going to happen. The fact that it would have been five times more food than we needed was only a minor problem. After some serious deliberation, we decided to go with the following dishes for our lunch baptism celebration. 

Bakery fresh buns with deli meats, cheese and pickles - I realise I didn't make these items, so I can't take credit for their deliciousness, but I just had to mention the amazing bakery that made these buns!  If you are ever in Moose Jaw, SK you must, I repeat, MUST visit Maple Leaf Bakery and purchase some of their spectacular buns! (their donuts are amazing as well!!)
Fruit Tray
Cucumber cups filled with chicken salad - more like bursting with chicken salad (thanks to John), were definitely a topic of discussion.  Not something you usually see at a baptism, or any party really, but I like to spice things up!  These are so much easier to make than they look.  So easy in fact, that John whipped these up in the time it took me to do my hair for the baptism!  If your catering to a person that eats a low or no carb diet, these would be great for them!

Veggie Pizza - was completely devoured! I always know that a dish is a hit when people ask for the recipe, and this was one of those recipes.  It's super easy, delicious, and good for you.  I think this is way more fun to serve than the over used veggie tray that nobody really eats.  I highly suggest making a good amount of this.  If your guests don't eat it all you will be happy to have the leftovers!

Vanilla and chocolate cupcakes with buttercream icing - people hated these....just kidding!!!!  Really, who can hate a cupcake?  Not only did everyone love the toppers on these cupcakes but they found the taste heavenly!  At least I assume this because I had 3 dozen cupcakes and 10 people at the party, and only ended up with a dozen cupcakes left over!  I don't mean to throw anyone under the bus, but my brother did eat 5 and take 9 home with him!  In his defense he was having 9 people over that night.  I wonder how many people actually got cupcakes or if he hoarded them all?.....
We didn't have a very large gathering so this was more than enough food for everyone. All of these dishes were items I made ahead of time (minus the meat and fruit trays) as I didn't have time to cook before people arrived after the baptism.  I had zero complaints about the food, other than people wishing they hadn't eaten so much of it, which is always a good problem to have when hosting a party!

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