Thursday, March 20, 2014

Roman's meals and snacks for the month

Most people dread grocery shopping, but I'm one of the few that really enjoy it!  The only thing I like more than buying food for John and I is guying food for Roman!  I don't know what it is about buying ingredients to make Roman's food but I just love it!  Maybe it's because everything is new to him and I love seeing his reaction to a new food.  Or maybe it's because I can cook with ingredients that I don't normally eat and he loves them.  Either way, I could literally make purees for him all day every day.
I still have a fairly decent supply of proteins in the freezer for Roman, so this time I was just stocking up on fruits and vegetables.  Roman has always loved food and now that he is a little older, he is really enjoying feeding himself. 
Avocados are a great snack as they are soft enough to be gummed and they are incredibly nutritious.  We usually have avocado in Roman's hair, clothes, high chair, and all over his face, but he does get a large portion of it in his mouth!  I usually save the avocado snacks for the end of the day when his clothes are headed to the wash and he's headed to the tub.
Roman has had sweet potato before but this time I was feeling inspired and decided to spice things up.  I baked the sweet potato to bring out their natural sweetness, then added cinnamon and nutmeg to them.  In my mind I was thinking about recreating a sweet potato casserole, but I've never tasted a sweet potato casserole, so this was just what I thought one would taste like, minus the marshmallows.
The papaya was an impulse item that I picked up strictly because it looked interesting.  I've never had papaya but I thought we would give it a try.  I decided to slice up a bit of it for Roman to snack on while John and I ate supper one night.  First things first, who knew papaya smelled so horrible?  That alone made me feel skeptical that Roman would like it.  Turns out I know my boy well.  One lick was all it took for him to decide he was not eating whatever strange matter I had put on his tray.  Normally I would keep introducing a food that Roman doesn't like on his first try, but I don't really blame him this time, so John is going to finish the papaya off.  You win some you lose some I guess.
Roman LOVES greens!  Spinach and kale were both huge hits for him, so this time I picked up an organic spinach, kale & chard mix.  I steamed the greens and pureed them with garlic.  Being part of an Italian/German/Ukrainian family, Roman is going to have to learn to like garlic or he probably will never eat again.  Although I seem to remember my Mom and Dad having to basically blend garlic to add to our food as kids because we wouldn't eat it if we saw white "stuff" in it....
The peppers will be used in a hummus type recipe I'm going to make for Roman.  I plan on roasting them in the oven, removing the skin and adding them to pureed chick peas with garlic and tomato.  Sounds delicious doesn't it?  I'm sure Roman will think so.  I made plain chick peas for him once before and he LOVED them.  I didn't particularly love the smell cooking the chick peas left in my house for the entire day though.  I guess we all make sacrifices for our kids!
The peaches and the yogurt I used to make a delicious baby version of peach cobbler.  I had been craving berry cobbler after I saw it on TV, so Roman was lucky enough to be on the receiving end of my craving.
Last, but definitely not least, the Kamut Puffs!  Apparently they don't call it puffed wheat anymore...  Whatever they are called, Roman thinks these are the best thing he has ever tasted!  He loves shoveling handfuls of them into his mouth.  Whether or not they all make it there and stay there is another story.  A lot of people give their little ones the rice puff treats made by Gerber, which is fine, but they are a little on the pricey side.  This big bag of Kamut only cost $5 and it's organic, how can you go wrong?
**NOTE: I am not a dietitian or doctor. Always consult a health care professional before changing your infants diet.

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