Saturday, March 22, 2014

Pasta with Oil, Lemon and Fresh Tomato

This is a dish that frequently makes an appearance in our house.  Usually saved for the summer, we often break this recipe out when we have little to no groceries left in the fridge and we need to eat.  It's also a great recipe for the nights when John has a meeting after work and I would just rather not cook, but know I shouldn't eat half a box of cookies for supper (you know you've been there too!).

Normally this is a "dump it in until it tastes right" recipe, but for the sake of a recipe I've included measurements.

Pasta with Oil, Lemon and Fresh Tomato
1/2 box (225 grams) pasta
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
juice of 1 lemon
3 tomatoes, chopped
1/3 cup onion, chopped (optional)
parmesan cheese

Cook pasta as directed on the package.  *My pasta cooking tip* - Hold the pasta vertically with both hands, knuckles facing away from you. Rotate your hands in opposite directions so your knuckles are facing to either side. Set past into the water, release, and the pasta should fan out. This allows the pasta to cook at the same time as it slides into the pot.  Drain and return to the pot.

Add remaining ingredients (excluding cheese) to the pasta.  Toss to coat.

Top with parmesan before serving.

In the summer I love to add pea or broccoli shoots from the local farmers market to this dish.  I've even started to see these shoots in grocery stores.  I highly recommend trying them, they are absolutely delicious!  They add a pop of color and a fresh crunch to the pasta.  This is an easy, delicious, and relatively health supper. Especially if the alternative is a box of cookies.

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