Thursday, March 20, 2014

Peach Cobbler with Ice Cream

I was watching the Food Network the other day (always a recipe for a HUGE food craving), and they were making berry cobbler.  After salivating through the entire episode, and trying to quench the craving with a cookie or two (didn't work), I managed to put the mouth watering craving behind me.  That was until Roman and I went shopping for some fruits and veggies for him.  I was shocked to see peaches in the grocery store at this time of the year, but excited at the same time.  That's when it hit me.  If I couldn't have berry cobbler, Roman was going to have peach cobbler by golly!  What a lucky kid to be the recipient of my food cravings!!

Obviously I'm not feeding Roman a traditional peach cobbler, although I'm sure he'd love that too. I have however included all the components of the traditional peach cobbler, including the ice cream (a variation of it) in this baby friendly recipe!  This puree makes a flavorful breakfast or dessert for your little one.  Plus, you can feel confident knowing that they are eating nutritious food that isn't loaded with sugar!

Peach Cobble with Ice Cream
1 1/2 large peaches
1/4 cup prepared oatmeal (originally posted on OR oat baby cereal
1/4 cup Greek yogurt

Mill large flake or steel cut oats in a blender or food processor until they are finely ground.

In a small saucepan, bring 1 cup of water to boil.  Slowly add oats while whisking constantly.  Continue whisking and simmer the oats for 10 minutes.  You can add formula/breast milk to the oats to reach your desired consistency.  Set the oatmeal aside.

To prepare the peaches, wash, peel, and remove the pit.  Cut the peaches into segments and steam for 10 minutes until tender.  When I cook for Roman, I avoid canned fruits and vegetables whenever possible.  Canned foods have added salt, sugar and preservatives.  Frozen peaches are a great option, especially if the fresh ones aren't in such great shape.  Because fruits and vegetables are picked and frozen at peak ripeness, the quality can sometimes be better than fresh.

Once the peaches are steamed, transfer them into a blender and puree to the consistency that works for your baby.  Again, you can add formula/breast milk if needed to reach desired consistency.  Transfer the pureed peaches to a small bowl.

Add cooked oats and Greek yogurt to the peaches and stir to combine.  *TIP - when freezing most purees it is a good idea to make them slightly thicker than you want the end product to be.  If it is still too thick after you defrost it, you can then add milk then to get the texture just right.

I freeze all my purees in regular ice cube trays.  One ice cube is the same as 1 Tablespoon and approximately 1 oz.  I store my ice cubes in small, labeled, sandwich bags.  I then place the small bags inside a large freezer bag and store them as far in the fridge as possible.  I personally like to use my purees within 4-6 weeks just to keep everything fresh.

1 out of 1 babies agree this recipe is positively scrumptious!  Just because they are babies doesn't meal that they shouldn't be able to enjoy delectable meals and interesting combinations.  Meal time shouldn't be something that is dreaded with you little bundle of joy.  That happens later on once they can throw food to the dogs and flat out refuse to eat (just a little peek into the future).

**NOTE: I am not a dietitian or doctor. Always consult a health care professional before changing your infants diet.

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