Thursday, April 30, 2015

Plan With Me - May 2015

April showers bring May flowers and they are all over my planner for May!  The more I decorate my planner pages the more I get into the grove and get a feel for how I like to decorate them.  In April I was just kind of throwing things together and hoping that it turned out well.  I also didn't have the massive collection of stickers and washi tape that I have now amassed.  Between the supplies I picked up in Bismarck and the things I picked up at Michael's recently (if you want to see a post on that let me know!), I now have what I feel is a decent collection of things to make some well coordinated pages.

Each month in the Plum Paper Planner is color coordinated, so to keep things looking harmonious I try to work with that color pallet for the monthly view.  I really wanted to use this super fun gold washi tape I found at Dollar Tree so I decided to go with a purple and gold theme this month.  I also inserted this journaling card into the monthly view so I can add little notes or "To Do" items for the month that don't necessarily have to be done on a specific day.  Or maybe it'll just sit there empty and look pretty, who knows.

This week is honestly my least favorite week in May as far as decorating goes.  I was still experimenting when I decorated this page and I think it shows.  I love all the elements individually, but it didn't quite turn out the way I wanted it too.  Oh well, live and learn!

"Shine bright like a diamond!".  This is what happens when you decorate your planner while listening to the radio.  I'm pretty happy with the way this page turned out and was excited to get to use a cute cupcake and party hat sticker for Mother's Day.  I probably could have been a little more creative with the lettering but it serves it's purpose.

This is where it starts to get interesting!  Hello color!!  Most of the supplies from this page came from a recent shopping trip to Michael's.  I went a little hog wild because all the stickers were 60% off!  How could I not really?!  I decorated this page on a bright sunny day which transferred o the page. It's amazing how the weather can affect you without you even noticing.  I also ordered some stickers from Sweet Kawaii Design which is where the money stack sticker and "Weekly Weigh In" stickers came from.  This was the first time I didn't use scrap book paper at the bottom of the page and I'm quite happy with the way it turned out.  Layering on washi allows me to customize the look and it doesn't add as much thickness to the pages. 
For this week I was inspired by some hydrangea stickers I came across in my craft room.  It also happens to go well with the purple theme of the planner for this month.  Hydrangeas are one of my favorite, if not my favorite, flower so it was fun to be able to incorporate them into this weekly spread.  
This last spread was completely inspired by the alligator washi tape I picked up at Dollar Tree.  Before I knew it these pages had exploded into a tropical oasis.  The stickers are also from Dollar Tree and while the foam stickers do add some bulk to the planner itself, I think it's worth it because they are so much fun!  The pink checklist on the bottom left on the page is what I'm now using to keep track of my monthly cleaning tasks like cleaning the vacuum filter and other large cleaning jobs that only happen once a month.
So that is what my planner looks like for the month of May.  June is a blue color scheme and I'm super excited about it because I already have a few pages planned out in my mind.  I can't wait!  Happy planning!!

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