Thursday, April 23, 2015

Gift Bag Tag

This is going to be a super short post but I wanted to share it because birthday season is coming up for our family.  In our family all the birthdays happen within the summer months.  John, my Mom and I are all within the same week, Roman and my Dad share a birthday, and then my brother is in the following month.

Roman was recently invited to his first birthday party and I was looking for an interesting way to wrap the gift.  I knew from experience at Roman's first birthday that one year olds prefer to pull tissue paper out of a bag as opposed to unwrapping paper from an object.  I had originally planned on making a card to include in the bag but instead I came up with this idea!

I found some gift tags amongst the pile of scrapbooking supplies in my craft room and thought it would be fun to make a gift tag for the bag.  Then it hit me; why make a tag and a card when the tag could be the card?!  I covered the front of the tag with scrapbook paper and ran a line of washi tape around the outside edge.  I found some letter and lizard stickers in my collection so I used those to finish off the front of the tag.  I outlined the back of the tag with more washi, added a message and a turtle sticker to finish it off.

Shortly after I made this tag Roman received his second birthday invitation so I whipped up another tag for the birthday girl.  This one was super fun for me because I don't get to make too many girly things these days.  Actually it took a little more thinking to come up with something girly since I seem to default to boy things.  I followed pretty much the same process to make this tag as the first, but used foam stickers to adhere the letters to the card so they are slightly raised. 

I think this is a super unique way to package a gift and it is more durable than a card, which is great for milestone birthdays like a kids first!  If you decide to make your own tag/card post a picture in the comments so I can see what you created!

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