Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Toddler Easter Basket

It's hard to believe that Easter is already sneaking up on us!  Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful because that means warmer weather is somewhere in our future!  On a side note, if you read my spring post you'll be disappointed to know that I was just a forced to bring my boots back out for a few days; not cool spring, not cool.

Back to the Easter basket!  Last year I didn't do anything too exciting for Roman's Easter basket, just a stuffed animal and a ball, since he was too little to even care about most things.  This year is a whole different story.  I feel like I went a little overboard but at the same time I managed to keep the dollar value under control by shopping in the dollar sections of Superstore and Wal Mart.  If you are still looking for some basket ideas for the little one in your life, hopefully this will give you some ideas!

When John and I were shopping in Bismarck and looking at Easter baskets I was stunned by the ginormous size of them these days!  Maybe I'm just old because I never remember seeing a basket that was large enough to hold a puppy or a small child when I was growing up.  After looking at the Ninja Turtle, Cars, and bunny baskets, we settled on the old, flimsy, normal sized, wicker type basket.  I like the idea of getting a pretty, durable basket to reuse every year but there are two problems I see with that.  1.  I don't want to have to store it and then try to remember where it is, or that I even have it, by next year.  2. I guarantee Roman won't like the same things next year that he does this year and soon enough he'll be able to voice these opinions and request that the Easter Bunny get a new basket.
Of course the plastic egg is a staple of Easter baskets so I picked up this package when we were in Bismarck.  I needed something to put in the eggs so I picked up a package of Planes stickers at Superstore.  I actually didn't end up putting them in the eggs because I decided to add some mini eggs instead because Roman has become horribly addicted to them.  We've actually had to move them into our top cupboards because Roman was constantly into them.  He really is my son!  I also found this shaker stick in the dollar section at Superstore.  They have a larger version at the place we have play group and Roman loves it so I knew this would be a hit.  Can we just talk about this whistle for a minute!  For $1 at Wal Mart I found a whistle shaped like a duck bill and it even sounds like a duck!!  I just about died when I tested it out before I put it in the basket.  I'm sure I'll want to snap it after Roman blows on it for 20 minutes but it's a good idea until then.
Sticking this the toys I'm probably going to want to smash, I also found a harmonica and another bell noise maker in the dollar section at Superstore.  Roman already has a pretty good collection of chalk but when I spotted these eggs I just had to get them.  Luckily he's still at the age where I can have him pick the colors and he won't remember that he ever saw them.  He has always had a thing for brink pink chalk so I wasn't too surprised when he picked this package.  Next year is going to be so much harder when Roman can't pick out his own things!!

Selby and I LOVED these things when we were little.  They are little capsules that have sponge shapes inside them.  When placed in water the capsule dissolves and the sponge shape expands.  I picked up two packages because I knew they would be perfect to stuff inside some of the plastic eggs.  Roman loves having new and interesting things to play with in the tub at night so I'm sure these will be a huge hit with him!
Last but not least, bunnies, bunnies, everywhere!  These gems I found at Wal Mart and they were a total score.  The package of 12 rabbits are all gummy and stretchy; exactly the kind of thing I hate but all little boys seem to love.  Because they are gummy I manage to shove all these rabbits into 4 plastic eggs.  I'm hoping they will burst out of the egg when Roman tries to open them and give him a bit of a surprise.  The two larger rabbits have wire inside them so you can position them however you want.  I decided to wrap the yellow rabbit around the basket handle but unfortunately I had to toss the blue rabbit.  He had a piece of wire sticking out of his hand that was pretty sharp, so into the garbage he went.  Last but not least, who doesn't want a hopping bunny in their Easter basket.  Roman loves these type of toys and usually destroys them within a few days because he plays with them so much.  For $3 I won't be crushed if it doesn't make it past noon.
When I think of Easter the first thing I think of is chocolate.  While I don't want Roman eating his weight in chocolate, I did want to put some treats in his basket, so I filled a few eggs with some banana vanilla Gerber yogurt drops that I picked up in Bismarck.  I was going to wrap Roman's basket, and I still might, but as it stands right now, this is what his basket will look like on Easter morning.  I have a few other tricks up my sleeve for Easter morning so be sure to watch for that blog post!

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