Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Photo Box Picks

I've been struggling for some inspiration lately so I did what everyone does when they are lacking in the creativity department and headed over to Pinterest!  Who knew you could search on Pinterest for blog post ideas?  After reading through a few pins I came across the idea of sharing photos and the story behind them.  Well I thought this was a dandy idea so here is the first instillation of Photo Box Picks!

This first picture is a picture of my brother Selby's cat, Kit.  Or maybe it's Kitt.  I'm pretty sure his urn said Kitt but that could have just been one of Mom's typos.  Anyway, this picture is one of the many cat photos Selby and I took back in the day with our Crayola cameras that took the long 110 film cartridges.  We used to take pictures of everything and anything with those cameras and had a blast with them.  Looking back we probably almost bankrupted Mom by making her develop roll after roll of film filled with cat pictures.  Now if you weren't born in the 80's feel free to google 110 film, or film cameras in general.

Kit wasn't always Selby's cat.  He actually started out as my cat but we traded cats when a friend told us that my cat was a boy and Selby's cat was a girl.  Because clearly your cat's gender must match your own.  Kit was always trying to bust out of the house and constantly pawed at the screen door.  Oddly enough though he would only ever go out and roll on the concrete sidewalk.  Both of our cats were deathly afraid of going any further than the sidewalk, and they would claw your eyes out if you tried to carry them further.  When we moved from this house in 2003 I had the lovely job of transporting the cats.  Clearly putting them in a carrier was just out of the question so Kit and Jennelle rode loose in the car with me.  I had cats on the dash, cats under my feet, cats everywhere.  Shedding, everywhere.  Longest 15 minute drive of my life.

Kit passed away in 2004 (I believe) from a urinary track infection.  I woke up one morning and the poor guy was sprawled out on my bedroom floor on his stomach after crawling out of my closet, his favorite sleeping spot.  He was pretty much lifeless so we loaded him up in the laundry basket and attempted to take him to the vet, but they were too busy checking cows to see him.  Turns out he was so sick that there was nothing that could have been done for him at that point anyway.  Poor Mom though did have to take him to the vet to make sure he was dead because she was too creeped out to actually touch him and take his pulse haha.  We had Kit cremated and he stayed on my bedside table for many years until Jennelle and our dog Casper passed away, and then we buried them all together in my parent's back yard.

Don't you wish you kitchen wall looked this good?  If you were around in the 1970's you probably remember these fabulous racing stripe paint jobs in houses.  When my parents bought their current house it was a bit of a wreck and needed some renos.  There was an entire wall in the kitchen that was covered in wood planks, which may have looked cool but it didn't work for our family who needed more cupboard space.  I also have to add that there were swinging saloon doors in the entrance to the kitchen as well which I was highly disappointed my parents didn't want to keep!  After we pulled off the wood planks we discovered this spectacular racing stripe.  I was sold on it from the minute I saw it but Mom thought the wall would look better with a bank of lower and upper cabinets, so that's what replaced this racing stripe.  A piece of Canadiana destroyed for modern day convenience.  It was a sad sad day....

I'm probably going to anger a few people with this photo, especially Mom, but this is a throw back to my high school graduation!  The first thing I noticed about this picture was how young Dad looks, how dark his hair is and how much of it he has haha.  I guess that's what happens as you get older and have to deal with the antics of a teenage daughter.  Poor man would probably still look 25 if he didn't have kids!

I haven't colored my hair since I was pregnant with Roman because I really don't have the time or want to spend the money on it.  But looking at my hair in this photo makes me want to get back on the dye bottle!  Oh but the maintenance.  Well maybe I will, we'll see!  Trellyn used to spend hours during English class trying to track the red streaks from my neck up into my ponytail.  Obviously English was beyond exciting...  Selby looks like such a little boy in this photo!  These days he's sporting a Duck Dynasty style beard and hits the gym on a regular basis so you would never even guess that the two people are the same.  Other than the fact that Mom no longer colors her hair, I think she looks exactly the same as she does now. 

I'm not sure if they do this in all schools, but when each student walked the stage to accept their diploma, someone (I have no idea who was speaking at ours) announces what that student's plans are for the future.  Now maybe I was out to lunch or was just so nervous to walk the stage that I was tuning everything out, but I don't remember what they said about a single person.  I don't even remember what they said about me!  Now granted that was 10 years ago but it's like that entire day was a blur.  Almost like a wedding, you know you were there and that a big event happened but you don't really remember the details.

HAHA okay this picture makes me giggle.  This is my dear friend/sister Trellyn.  No we aren't actually sisters but we are quite certain we are Siamese twins that were separated at birth, but that's a long story, maybe for another post.  When we turned 18 we decided we needed to do all the things 18 year olds could legally do, and in Saskatchewan that means you can vote and gamble.  Voting isn't exactly exciting so we headed to the casino.  Now being two 18 year olds out in the world for the first time we had no idea we weren't supposed to take pictures inside the casino.  After I snapped this picture, two or three security guards descended upon us from seemingly nowhere and promptly gave us heck.  We must have look terrified because we didn't get in too much trouble, they just told us not to do it again.  Well that was enough for Trellyn and I too both feel like a couple of shmucks and we slithered out of the casino and I don't think we even went back.  We're such rebels! haha

Well I hope you enjoyed this new little post!  I actually had a hoot writing it so I think I'll have to keep this one up.  Heavens knows I have tons and tons of photos I could pull from, some that should probably never see the light of day, but if you can't laugh at yourself then who can you laugh at?

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