Thursday, March 19, 2015

Spring Has Sprung!

In Saskatchewan this is a very dangerous statement to make in the month of March.  At this exact moment we've only been out of the deep freeze a few days, but I'm willing to put it out there and declare that spring is here!  The sun is out, temperatures are up, snow is melting, and the streets are riddled with pot holes.  Yep, sounds like spring in Saskatchewan to me!  I've even gone so far as to bust out my flats and put away the boots.  Hopefully I won't have to eat my words and dig them back out.  You really can't write off the snow until well into May, and even then you might not be safe.  After all, I do remember a certain car trip in high school after a May snow storm that included getting my car stuck on the highway in three feet of snow.  But I digress.

There is something about spring that just warms my soul right to the core.  I myself happen to really love winter and everything that comes with it, but when the sun emerges from the gloom of winter and the warm rays start beating down on the world it reminds me what I've been missing for the last 5 months.  Spring is often thought of as a time of new beginnings.  The flora regrow and bloom, the fauna vacate their winter accommodations and greet this glorious season with the birth of the next generation.  We as people escape the confines of our homes and venture out to trench the water from the melting snow, greet neighbors we haven't seen in a few months, and of course tackle the massive mound of dog poop that has accumulated in the yard over the course of the winter.  Of course I myself will not be tackling this mess, there are people that do that for a living and I highly suggest hiring one for the post winter clean up!

Just this morning I woke up to sunshine streaming in the window and I was immediately filled with happiness.  Even more so when I realised the sun was up at 7:30 instead of 9:00.  Just a little dose of sun first thing in the morning can really change your attitude and outlook on the entire day.  I've noticed that I have a little extra pep in my step these days and I have more energy and ambition in general.  Even Roman seems to be happier, but that could just be because he gets to jump in puddles on a regular basis.  This spring/summer is going to be such a hoot with Roman this year!  I can't wait for all the outings to explore the parks, playgrounds and different events that he was look young for last year.  He has already firmly established his love of rubber boots and puddles so I can only imagine the adventures we will embark on as the weather continues to improve.

The smell of BBQ already permeates the air each night at around 6:00pm and I can't wait to uncover our own stainless steel flavor machine and start grilling.  Maybe this year I'll actually figure out how to start the darn thing so John doesn't have to do all the grilling!  Heck, maybe we'll even use the fire pit this year and have an old fashion cook out supper rather than just gorging on marshmallows after Roman has gone to bed.  Although I'm sure there will still be a fair amount of that happening.

Spring not only brings warmer weather and color, but it also gives us the opportunity to start fresh and make the changes we think we need to make in our lives.  This is the time to wash the windows and walls, dust the cobwebs out of the corners, and starting living the life we deserve to be living.  Whether you want to lose weight, improve your relationships or just be a happier person, soak in some vitamin D and put it to good use!

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