Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Potty Training - Week 2

We started off the day with a bang!  The first trip to the potty was a hit and Roman had a good pee.  We've kept up with the bathroom trips every half hour, even at play group.  Tomorrow's play group is at a different centre so I think I'll have to pack our potty seat along with us.  There was a day when carrying a potty seat with me would have mortified me and now I don't even think twice.  Oh how life changes!  Roman didn't end up going on the potty again for the rest of the day.  If nothing else we had lots of time in the bathroom to look for and watch tractor videos!

This morning right after I dressed Roman he headed off to the bathroom and had a big pee!  Maybe this will be the new trend?  Play group was a whole other ball of wax today.  They had a sensory table filled with snow and it was like pulling teeth to get Roman to leave the snow to pee.  On the plus side all the snow he ate meant for lots of pee!  I managed to catch one pee while we were there, but having to fight a temper tantrum each time really wore on my nerves.  I was so ready to just throw in the towel and quit.  Unfortunately that was as good as it got for the day.  I didn't have any luck catching him for the rest of the day.

Roman was quite happy to hop on the potty this morning but unfortunately it didn't last long.  By the second trip Roman was starting to push back.  After battling with Roman all morning, I decided to try the "no pants" approach in the afternoon.  After taking some cute photos of Roman in his big boy gotchies, we got down to business.  Or at least Roman did...on the floor.  Three pees and a poop and still a fight to sit on his little frog potty.

This is where our potty training endeavour ends, for now.  Roman was the one who initiated this process and he clearly has had enough of it.  He's still only 18 months old so I'm not going to push him if he isn't ready.  We still have plenty of time to worry about potty training so for now we are going back to diapers.  He will still sometimes want to sit on the toilet and in those cases I'm sure to put him on it, but that's the extent of it.  I've heard many other moms say that forcing your kids when they aren't ready is not only stressful for the kids but it also makes it harder in the long run.  So I'm going to take this opportunity to step back and let Roman decide what he wants to do.

Potty training - 1, Kendra - 0

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes you just have to step back and wait a bit. He is pretty young yet. I remember thinking it would be diapers forever...but they will learn when ready.
