Thursday, March 12, 2015

Korean Beef

I've been in a bit of a rut lately.  I haven't kept up on my freezer cooking, because I haven't had a lot of time without Roman, so we've fallen into the deadly trap of takeout.  Maybe deadly is a little over the top.  Regardless, we've been eating out way too much which is not only hard on the wallet but also our stomachs. 

When I posed the question, "what do you want for supper" to John one afternoon he suggested pasta with meat sauce.  Not an overly inspiring meal but it wasn't being delivered to our door!  As I went to the freezer to take out the beef I had an epiphany!  I was not going to make boring meat sauce, I was going to make delicious Korean beef that we haven't had in a dogs age!  I found this recipe on Pinterest (originally posted on Lizzy Writes) a few years ago and John and I both love it.

Korean Beef
1 lb ground beef
1/4-1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1T sesame oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/2t fresh grated ginger
1/2-1t chili flakes
1 bunch green onions

Over medium high heat, brown ground beef with garlic in sesame oil.  Drain fat from the pan and add al ingredients except the green onions.  Simmer for a few minutes and serve over rice, topped with green onions.

This recipe transforms your regular ground beef.  I don't normally use oil when I'm cooking ground beef but it is a must in this recipe.  It adds so much flavor to the beef and turns your regular weeknight meal into an Asian delight!  The fresh ginger and chili flakes gives a slight heat to the dish but it isn't overpowering; even Roman enjoyed it!  The crunchy green onions are perfect in this dish and I wouldn't skip them.  When I made it I didn't have onions on hand so I used chives.

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