Thursday, October 30, 2014

Homemade Salsa

This summer has been a bit of an odd ball.  We've had some really hot days and some pretty chilly ones.  All this fluctuation in temperature has caused our garden to produce tomatoes at a rate that we've been able to keep up with.  Meaning that we've been eating them as they ripen.  We managed to build up a bit of a stash of them this last few weeks so I knew I wanted to can some.  We don't have enough to make tomato sauce so I decided to make salsa!

My aunt Kathy made this salsa last year and it was so delicious that John and I gobbled down our jar in no time flat.  She was nice enough to share the recipe with me so I wanted to share it with you!  I love salsa with tortilla chips as a snack or used as a sauce in Taco Salad.  I love homemade salsa because I don't have to worry about the hidden salt or sugar, I know exactly what is in the jar.

Now that my mouth is watering, let's get to the recipe!

Salsa (Makes 5 - 500ml jars)
7 cups chopped tomatoes (about 6 pounds)
2 cups chopped onions
8 jalapeno peppers, chopped with seeds removed
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 can tomato paste (156ml)
3/4 cup lime juice
1/2 cup (lightly packed) chopped parsley
1/2t cumin
1t sugar

Combine all ingredients in a large pot.  Bring to a boil and boil gently until the salsa reaches the desired consistency, about 30 minutes.

To prepare the jars for canning, submerge the jars, rings and lids in hot water.  Remove jars from water and allow to dry.  Fill jars with the hot salsa making sure to wipe away any salsa from the rim.  *TIP - sit the jars on a plate when your filling them, this way any drips will be caught and you only have to wash one plate!  Top with a lid and ring and tighten as much as possible.  Set the jars aside until the tops pop which means your delicious salsa is sealed!

I might be completely alone on this one but does anyone else get super excited when you hear the jars popping?  I really don't think there is a more satisfying sound when your canning food.  The satisfaction I get from that sound is unmeasurable.

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