Friday, October 10, 2014

Follow Us Friday - Grandma's House!

Today is going to be a little different.  I have a few appointments in Regina so Roman is going to be hanging out with Grandma for most of the day.  I'm not quite sure who is more excited, Grandma or Roman.  One thing is for sure, Roman isn't going to starve because Grandma loaded up on groceries yesterday in anticipation of her house guest.

5:15am - I'm Up
I clearly must have had a brain fart when I scheduled my first appointment in Regina for 8:45am, since that means I have to leave the house by 7:00am to get there in time.  The one nice thing about getting up this early is I get to do my hair and makeup in peace!

6:20am - Waking Sleeping Beauty
I let Roman sleep as long as I possibly could before waking him.  I'm very luckily in that Roman usually wakes up happy as a clam, even when I wake him up.

6:30am - Breakfast
Today for breakfast Roman had two scrambled eggs with veggies and milk.  I had a couple breakfast casserole cups from the freezer since they were easy and we were out of bread for toast.  Once Roman was done eating he decided to "help" Lola eat her breakfast.  She wasn't too excited about having Roman observe her but as you can tell Roman had a blast!  After we got dressed Roman decided to make a few quick passes with the vacuum before we left.

7:10am - On the Road
Dogs fed, let outside, put into their kennels and we are on the road!  I love driving to Regina first thing in the morning.  Everything seems so peaceful, minus the crazy commuters on the highway.  The only downside was that the sun was in my eyes the entire drive.  Roman was a very good traveller today and he even started a game of peek-a-boo with his blanket from the back seat.

8:10am - Grandma's House!
Roman is always excited to visit Grandma's house.  I think it's because the living room is always full of toys and there are always plenty of snacks available.  No sooner had we walked in the door than Roman ran off to find his favorite tractor and start the destruction of Grandma's house.  And that was my cue to skedaddle!  Roman loved playing with a bag of empty cans that Grandma was in the process of taking out.  I'm told he played with this bag for a good 20 minutes.  Dragging them around, scrunching them so they made noise, and even using the bag as a chair.  Hundreds of dollars on toys and he wants a bag of cans...

8:45am - Eye Appointment
As soon as I sat down in the waiting room I spotted this awesome toy that I knew Roman would have loved.  Had it been smaller I may have tried to stuff it in my purse haha.  Am I the only person that dreads the optometrist because of the pressure test that shoots air into your eye?  Even the eye scan that nearly blinds you is much better than that darn air puff.  I think it's because you know it's coming and that anticipation is always worse than the puff.  I will admit that it was a little less traumatic than I remember.  I love going to the optometrist in Regina because then I can use the excuse that I'm from out of town to avoid shopping for frames there.  Sometimes it can be super awkward to just ask for the prescription to take somewhere else.

9:30am - Roman's Snack Time
My Mom was gracious enough to take a few photos and write down what Roman ate for a snack.  Roman must have been hungry because he ate half a pint of raspberries, 1/4 of a banana, two slices of cheese, 2 crackers, baby puffs and milk.  Apparently that wasn't enough because then he ate some of Grandma's cracker and Laughing Cow cheese snack.

10:00am - Old Navy
Not too often am I completely alone in Regina, so I took this opportunity to hit up Old Navy to find some clothes.  I always feel bad making John tag along while I shop for clothes because I actually try them on and poor John is about ready to gouge his eyes out after the second outfit.  Trying on clothes with Roman is just impossible, not that I would really know because the thought of it scares me and I just avoid that all together.  With my recent weight loss I was in need of some new clothes.  I bought a bunch of clothes before I went back to work but they were all dress clothes and they don't really work so well while staying home with Roman, so now they hang in my closet unused.  While I was browsing I came across some Batman t-shirts for Roman.  I guess it's the 75th anniversary of Batman, at least that's what the tags said.  I even found some for John and I.  Now we can all wear our Batman shirts!

11:00am - Back to my Mom's house
I had a few hours between appointments so I headed back to Mom's house to hang out with her and my little man.  I was greeted at the gate by one happy little boy!  It was pretty chilly out so Roman was bundled right up including gloves and a toque.  The cold sure didn't bother him because he was all smiles squeals.  Once we got inside Roman just had to show me his new favorite toy, Grandma's kitchen mat.  I don't know what it is about this mat but he LOVES it!

12:00pm - Lunch
Tuna sandwiches all around!  Roman loves tuna so Grandma usually has tuna on hand for him.  It's amazing how Roman gets anything he wants in this house but when I lived here all I asked for was a pony and I never saw it.  I guess that's what being the first grandson gets you.  Should probably tell Roman to start asking for bigger and better things, like a pony!

1:00pm - Outside Time
Mom and I weren't planning on going outside, but when Roman headed to the door and sat down for his shoes to be put on, we weren't left with much of an option.  So out we went into the chilly fall weather to munch on some fresh garden carrots!  Because Roman didn't just eat a bowl on tuna and a slice of bread.....  Once the garden lost it's appeal we headed back into the house, carrot in hand.  Roman perched himself on the footstool and proceeded to much on his carrot while watching Sesame Street.

1:40pm - Home Depot
I left Mom's a little early so I could hit Home Depot and pick up a stool for my craft room.  Sometimes living in Moose Jaw can really be a pain because we don't have a lot of choices when it comes to shopping.  I don't particularly enjoy shopping at Home Depot but Lowes didn't have the type of chair I was looking for.  This one is tall, adjustable and comfy.  I'll be posting a Craft Room Makeover post soon so keep your eyes peeled!

2:30:pm - Nap Time
Crazy Roman should have gone down at 12:30 for a nap but of course he fought it because Grandma is just too much fun.  Finally Mom texted me and said that he had fallen asleep in the rocking chair with her and he was out like a light.  Unfortunately he fell asleep right before Grandpa got home to hang out with him.  He really needed the nap so I guess it's a good thing he finally went down.

3:00pm - Dentist Appointment
I don't think anyone truly enjoys going to the dentist.  Do they?  It's been a few years since I went so I was little afraid of what they might find.  Luckily I got a clean bill of health and it wasn't nearly as painful as I remember.  I guess when you have child birth to compare it too it feels less painful than you remember.  I also had a genius business idea while I was in the chair.  They should sell those sucking hose things to the general public!  Tell me that wouldn't be perfect for sucking up the drool from teething babies and toddlers!  I think I'd want one for drool and one for boogers, but that's just me.

4:00pm - Home again, home again, jiggity jig
Grandma and Grandpa were nice enough to bring Roman into Regina and meet me at the dentist so I didn't have to back track an hour to get Roman.  Unfortunately he had to be woken up from his nap and didn't get a snack so he wasn't in greatest of spirits.  It was a bit of a rough drive back to Moose Jaw but we made it without a major meltdown from either Roman nor I.

6:00pm - Supper
Tonight John made us a delicious tuna casserole for supper.  I think Roman was in heaven with noodles and tuna all in one bowl, not to mention having tuna for two meals in a row.  He devoured his bowl in no time flat!

7:00pm - Tubby Time
Roman had a great time in the tub tonight, especially since John sang the ABC's which is his new favorite song.

7:15pm - Bed Time
It must have been an exhausting day at Grandma's because Roman crashed hard.  Normally he's up until at least 7:30pm but not tonight.  An early bed time for Roman means tea and onsie pjs for John and I.  Well, just tea for John.  I don't think he'd be caught dead in onsie pjs, although I'm not sure why, they are so comfy and warm!  John had Earl Grey de la Crème tea from SteepedTea and I had Yes We Cran from DavidsTea.

1 comment:

  1. We had a blast together. On the pony note....don't think that will happen for him either. Next time we will pack snacks for the truck!!
