Friday, October 24, 2014

Follow Us Friday - Hangin' at Home

Roman's schedule was a little out of whack so we spent the day in and around the house.  Just because we stuck close to home doesn't mean we didn't have a blast!

6:45am - Breakfast
Here begins a day on a weird schedule!  Not really sure why Roman woke up so early this morning but he was in a fairly good mood so who can complain.  I wasn't even really sure where my camera was yet this morning so I didn't snap any pictures of Roman's waffle, berries and milk or my toast and milk. 

7:15am - Dressed, dressed, dressed
Lately this has been a bone of contention between Roman and I.  I'm not sure what has changed in the last few weeks but clearly the change table has morphed into a torture device.  A torture device that only affects you when you are laying down, as sitting and standing are still pain free ways to interact with this piece of furniture.  Roman has a new affinity for the trains behind our house and looks for them every chance he gets.  Roman also discovered a monster under his bed!  Only this monster is a pit bull and I think Roman would be much safer with this guy sleeping under his bed than your average monster.

7:30am - Play time and morning cartoons!
After taming the pit bull under the bed we made our way to the living room to play with cars, which has become a daily event in our house.  We then moved on to some morning cartoons!  We recently revamped our cable subscription so we no longer have Treehouse.  I was a little concerned that Roman wouldn't have any cartoons, not that we watched it that often anyway, but I found PBS Detroit one day and they have cartoons all morning!  Today we watched.....something Tiger?, clearly I was paying attention,  Roman seemed to enjoy it though!  I guess my lap wasn't comfortable enough because he busted out his new favorite chair, which also happens to be his mega block wagon.  What a creative kid I have!
8:30am - Snack
Roman started to get a little cranky around this time and my best guess was that he was hungry.  It's so difficult to know what the little guys want when they can't talk and their schedule is out of whack!  It must have been a good guess because Roman inhaled 3/4 of an avocado and half a yogurt!

9:00am-10:40am - Nap
I was actually a little disappointed that Roman went down for a nap at this time.  Not that he didn't need the nap, because he was heck-a-cranky and really did need it, but we usually go to a play group at 10:00am so we missed it today.  I love taking Roman to the play group at the Y because there are usually a few kids for him to play with, he gets to burn off his energy, and I get to visit with some other moms.  The best part?  100% free!  So we usually go every morning, except today.  Instead I hunkered down to watch some TV and work on some blog posts.

11:30am - Lunch
Roman was pretty excited when he saw that he was having his favorite for lunch, tuna with mixed vegetables and milk.  What more could a boy ask for?  Oh right, cheese and grapes for dessert!  My lunch mustn't have been very good because I don't even remember what it was.....I want to say it was a sandwich but I really have no idea.  I think I need some apple juice - it apparently helps with Alzheimer's.

11:45am - To the depths!
This is an area of the house anyone, other than us, gets to see.  Please don't judge some of the ugly things in the basement!  I swear we are working on making it not look like it's a basement from a horror flick!  We don't spend a whole lot of time in the basement since it is a little cold without flooring and all Roman's toys are upstairs, or at least they were.  Roman has recently wanted to go downstairs a lot and he found his old exersauce toy in the storage room.  He now thinks this is the best toy ever, along with a bunch of cars John let him play with.  Once he got bored of the toys we wandered down to the craft room, where the rest of Roman's toys are scattered.  To distract him from my crafting supplies I pulled out a container of Playdoh from the Halloween stuff for him to play with.  I was impressed that he didn't try to eat it but he didn't think much of playing with it, truthfully I think he enjoyed the container more.  Of course nothing lasts forever and we were on to the next adventure!

12:30pm - Adventuring!
Today was a beautiful, warm fall day!  A perfect day for exploring in a car, on a bike, or by foot.  Or maybe all three!  After a cruise down the street, we traded Roman's car in for his hog and headed off to check out the trains.  Most of the leaves are off the trees now and it makes for some beautiful scenery.  Roman gets such a charge out of the trains and it's so fun to watch him in total awe of them.  Of course we had to visit our four legged friends while we were outside.  Our neighbor poked his head over to fence to tell me he was making sausage and not to panic if we saw smoke coming from behind the shed.  Roman was quite intrigued with the person appearing over the fence, and Bronx was quite intrigued with the smells coming over the fence.

1:00pm - Deliveries and Making Tea
I was so excited when the delivery truck pulled up in front of the house.  Mom and I placed a Steeped Tea order and I had been watching it like a hawk on my UPS tracking app.  I was excited to get my hands on my uptown glass tumbler and Roman was quite excited to get his hands on the air bags and bubble wrap.  He's seen bubble wrap before, but this bubble wrap had the toonie size pockets.  When he realized they popped when he walked on them, utter elation filled his face.  This was honestly the highlight of my day and possibly my week!

I was just about to bust into my tea when another delivery truck pulled up.  I felt so special! Everyone is sending me gifts!  Actually it was a sweater John had ordered but it made me feel special non the less!  Once all the packages were in the house I busted into the tea to make a jug of iced Pink Apple tea for Roman and I.  I love this tea and I love that I can share it with Roman!  Because it's a fruit tea, it actually doesn't have any tea in it, which means Roman can drink it!  A much better option than juice!
2:45pm - Sausage?
While we were playing and waiting for our juice to steep, our neighbor poked his head in the window and said he had some delicious sausage for us!  We honestly have the best neighbors ever!  We've only lived here a year and they're already poking their heads in our windows.  I guess that's what happens when his wife helped me figure out breastfeeding with Roman in the hospital.  Roman was also excited about the sausage, maybe a little too excited.  Poor guy will have to wait until later to get to eat it.  On another exciting note, Roman found his toothbrush!  I have been looking for this thing for over a week and ended up having to buy him a new one on day 2 of the search.  I guess I didn't look hard enough because it was right there in his toy oven.  Hello Mom, how did you not know that?

3:00pm - Nap Time
And the odd schedule continues!  Roman hasn't had two naps in a day in what seems like forever.  Although two naps is nice I do enjoy one long one much better!  But like any mom, I'll take what I can get!

4:15pm - Up and at them!
Recharged and ready to roll, Roman wasted no time getting to his cleaning.  That's right I said cleaning!  Unfortunately he didn't actually clean much.  He did however enjoy spilling his water on the couch and then wiping it up with a t-shirt.

Of course Roman needs a change of scenery every hour or so, so we headed outside again for a bike ride to see the trains.  Are you starting to see why I try to get him out of the house to a play group once a day?  He basically likes to do his few favorite things over and over and over if we're at home all day and it's enough to drive you mad.  Totally random, but does anyone else think their dog looks really naked without their collar?  John actually got Roman hooked on this next activity which is playing in the vehicles.  He loves being able to explore the car, push the buttons, and turn the dials.  Sure my AC was cranked up along with my music but I survived the jolt when I got into the car later on. 

5:30pm - Time for cooking in the kitchen!
Roman still really enjoys helping me in the kitchen and I actually like having him there.  Sure he can't actually help much and I spend half my time retrieving things off the floor, but he's getting really good at learning to stay away from the cutting board and the stove.  They all have to learn eventually so maybe if we start now he'll be cooking supper by 5?  Be a famous chef by 10?  Hey a mom can dream! 

All that cooking made Roman hungry so he sucked back an entire fruit pouch and washed it down with some water from my water bottle.  I have to say that Roman is getting really good at drinking without a sippy cup.  We have officially gotten rid of sippy cups at meal and snack times since he drinks his milk like a pro.  He does enjoy tossing some food into the milk as well but I guess you can't have it all.

Even though it's 20+ degrees outside I'm fighting to keel fall alive.  I had this leaves candle from Bath & Body Works burning in the kitchen all day.  It smells like heaven and it helps cover up the tuna smell from Roman's lunch!

6:30pm - Supper
With John home we can all sit down to supper, which Roman is very excited about.  Tonight I made basa with Spicy Tea-aki spice from Steeped Tea with mixed vegetables.  I was a little worried about what it would taste like but it was actually really good!  It was pretty spicy but even Roman cleaned his plate!  While the boys finished with their supper I got ready for my DanceFit class!

7:00pm - DanceFit and Tubby!
I was so excited for DanceFit!  It was cancelled last week because of Thanksgiving so I was really looking forward to getting back at it.  That being said, you know that feeling you get when your excited for a job interview but your terrified they're going to ask you some impossible question and you'll answer it like a moron?  Ya, that's what I was feeling the entire drive to the field house.  I was a littler terrified that I might just fall over dead in the class.  Luckily I was a little dramatic and I survived, and killed the class.  Point me!

While I was getting my butt kicked, Roman and John were having a blast swimming in the tub.  As always I am not privy to the details of these special events.

7:15pm - Bed Time
Roman went to bed like a stone from what I'm told.  He barely even drank his milk.  This I'm actually excited about because I would like him to start giving up the bottle soon, but I'm not going to force the issue.  He gave up his nap bottles on his own so I'm sure he'll do the same with the night bottle when he's ready.

8:30pm - Aaaahhh so clean!
After DanceFit there is nothing better than a glorious shower and a face mask!  Sorry Trellyn no photo this time!  John of course had his nightly cup of Early Grey De La Crème tea but I decided to pass tonight.  I think my body was still in shock from the class and just wanted plain ole water.

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