Friday, October 17, 2014

Follow Us Friday - Minus Roman?

Yes it's true, Roman did not spend the majority of the day with us.  In fact he had a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa last night, which means John and I got to have grown up time for almost 24 hours!  How crazy is that!

9:00am - Breakfast
You read that right, 9 glorious am was the time we had breakfast this morning, which consisted of toast with butter and milk, while we watched the last bit of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.  John unfortunately was up at 7:30 but I managed to sleep until 8:45!  I honestly don't remember the last time I slept this late.  The reason I slept so late was because we were up until 11:00pm watching a ton of TV that we normally wouldn't be able to watch, at least not all in one sitting.  We managed to see every second of The Walking Dead season premier, Manzo'd with Children and The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

9:30am - Getting ready and vacuuming
Because that's what parents do for fun when they are child free, vacuum.  Well maybe not but it is much easier to do when you don't have little hands trying to help by pulling out all the toys you just put away so you could vacuum.  I on the other hand take great pleasure in getting ready solo, as I've said before.  Since today is a bit of a date day for John and I, I decided to take my time and get ready for the day like I did pre-Roman.  There is something very satisfying about being able to waste an entire hour doing your hair and makeup.

10:30am - Editing photos with Terminator
Since we are planning to go to Regina for lunch we had some time to kill.  We had a few things we wanted to get done while Roman was away, like getting the last of the garbage out of the craft room, but we didn't take into account how little time this would take us.  Which is fine because it allowed me to get some photos edited for other blog posts and to go through the photos we took at our Thanksgiving meal.  Of course there is never anything good on TV when you actually have time to watch so we were stuck with Arnold's naked butt running around looking for Sarah Connor, because Terminator isn't on every weekend....

11:45am - Lowes
We don't have many home improvement stores in Moose Jaw so we like to stop at Lowes to get supplies if we are going to be in Regina.  Today John just wanted to pick up a switch to try and fix some lights in the basement.  I however was instantly distracted by all the Christmas decorations as soon as I walked in the door.  I realize Halloween isn't even ere yet but I LOVE Christmas, John and I both do actually.  I could probably shop for Christmas decorations all year round, but then people might think I'm crazy.  What is crazy is the prices of outdoor decorations these days!  My strategy, scope of what the stores have then go back a couple weeks before Christmas.  Usually by the time the stores have dropped the prices significantly to clear the stock and you get the awesome decorations at a great price!  Oh I almost forgot, I did buy one Halloween decoration while we were at Lowes.  A white pumpkin!  I've seen fake white pumpkins but never a real one, so when I saw a bin full of them I knew I had to have one!  John wasn't impressed and said my pumpkin looks like a zombie, but isn't that a good thing?

12:30pm - Lunch at J&A
This was the reason that Roman went to Grandma and Grandpa's, at least for the day, it was their idea to keep him overnight for the sleepover.  How could I say no to that?  But back to the amazing lunch we had today.  J&A is a Chinese restaurant in Regina that John and I stumbled on a few years ago.  It's located in the basement of an office building downtown, and looks a little shifty, but they have delicious authentic Chinese food as well as dim sum.  Dim sum is basically the Chinese version of tapas where the food is served in small quantities so you can order several different things.  They have some crazy things (in my opinion) like chicken feet and beef tripe (stomach), but they also have other delicious things like the stuff we order.  We always order the same thing, so much so that the owner, the sweetest woman ever, still remembers our order over 2 years later.  This is what we get:
  • Steamed BBQ Pork Noodle - quite possibly the most amazing food ever invented
  • Pork Dumplings - I used to love these but ever since I got pregnant the taste completely turns me off and it's so sad!
  • Sweet & Sour Pork Kebob - this is more of a North American Chinese food type item but it's delicious
  • Steamed Shrimp Dumplings - John loves these but they aren't my favorite thing
  • Singapore Noodles - slightly spicy with a warm curry flavor, these noodles are amazing and you need to try them at least once in your life
  • Fried Calamari - not necessarily a special item but this calamari is always crisp and delicious!
  • Special Fried Rice - not a dim sum item but the best I've ever had!  You can tell it's cooked in a wok because it has a delicious smoky flavor.
  • Schezwan Chicken - this isn't a dim sum item either but it's a must have at J&A.  We don't usually eat the rice and chicken while we are in the restaurant because we are normally stuffed from the dim sum, but it makes great leftovers for the next day.  Plus it tastes way better the next day!
Long story short, if you're in Regina you must visit this place!

2:00pm - Give me my baby!!
After John and I filled our bellies with delicious dim sum we made our way to my parent's house to get my baby!  There are days when all I want is a break and some time alone, but the minute that little man is gone I miss him!  First world mommy woes I suppose.  When we got there Roman was asleep, which is good since the little devil didn't go to sleep until 9:30 last night when his normal bedtime is 7:30!  I guess he just wanted to party all night with Grandma and Grandpa.

3:15pm - Snack Time
Grandma had a delicious selection of food for snack time which included cheese, yogurt, an apple squeeze pouch and milk.  All of which was quickly gobbled down.

3:30pm - On the Road
With all of Roman's things loaded up we were on our way home.  It really is amazing how much stuff a little one needs to stay overnight somewhere.  Sometimes I think it would be easier to just hook a truck to the house and drag it over to my parent's house.  At least then I wouldn't forget anything!

4:30pm - Welcome Home and Halloween Decorations
Roman was so excited to see his Bronx when we got home.  The pair ran around the back yard, Bronx with a ball in his mouth and Roman squealing at the top of his lungs.  It's amazing how much these two miss each other over such a short period of time.  Since we were already outside John decided to put up the Halloween decorations, and by that I mean the one string of Halloween ghost lights we own.  I've said before that we don't normally decorated for Halloween since we like to spend our money on Christmas decorations.  But this really is a sad display if I say so myself.  I think I might have to go on the prowl for a few more decorations so the little goblins know that we actually have candy, and good candy!  Oh, and John also installed the light switch that we bought a Lowes today.  Unfortunately it didn't solve our problem so we'll have to hit Lowes again to get another switch to see if that fixes our problem.  Our basement as so many switches for single lights it's insane.
6:00pm - Supper
John and I were still pretty stuffed from lunch so we didn't have supper, probably a good decision since I'm sure we consumed three days worth of calories in one meal.  Roman however was as hungry as ever.  Roman had a bowl of leftover spaghetti squash with basil pesto, cheese, chicken deli meat, grapes and milk.  It was a bit of a mish mosh of a meal but he seemed to enjoy it.

6:30pm - Outside Time with Dad
Since Roman went to bed at 9:30 with Grandma and Grandpa last night John wanted to make sure that Roman was good and tired tonight so he would go to bed at a normal time tonight.  Up and down the street they went, Roman on his bike and John doing his best to keep the bike going in a straight line.  Roman has recently learnt how to turn the handlebars which is great, but it can spell disaster if you aren't paying attention and you suddenly have a tricycle in front of you. 

7:00pm - Tubby Time
Tubby time is basically becoming an extension of Roman's recent swimming lessons.  This kid is all over the place in the tub now.  From what I could hear it sounded very similar to a bath I recently gave Roman which consisted of laying on his back and kicking his legs, sitting up and splashing like a mad man with his hands, then flopping down on his tummy and "swimming" from one end of the tub to the other.  Oh and of course blowing bubbles, can' forget that!  It's a bit of a messy adventure but Roman loves every minute of it so I think it's worth it, plus m bathroom floor gets a good wash!  While the boys were playing in the water, I got the enjoyable job of brushing Lola's teeth.  Strange, yes, but after paying nearly $1000 to have 12 teeth removed (which is apparently a common miniature poodle problem) I am not letting that happen again!

7:30pm - Bedtime!
Obviously John's plan worked because Roman dropped like a sack on potatoes and fell asleep.  It's so nice when he goes to sleep fairly easily after being away from him overnight, makes adjusting to having him back in the house that much easier.  Am I the only Mom that feels weird when I'm without my kid but when he returns it's like I have to relearn how to look after him again?  It's not that I don' know what he needs but everything just seems a bit off for the first day.  Maybe I'm just strange.....actually that's probably it.

8:30pm - Tea Time!
Tonight John had a cup of.....wait for it.....Earl Grey De La Crème from Steeped Tea, shocking.  I say "shocking" because he has fallen in love with this tea and has it every night.  I had a cup of Strawberry Shortcake from Steeped Tea.

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