Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Losing my job and loving it!

A shocking title for two reasons; 1. Who would ever think that losing a job could be a good thing? and 2. I just blogged about going back to work and now I'm blogging about losing my job.  Even crazier is that these two posts are written exactly a week apart!

Let's start with the back story.  I worked at a job that I loved, with an amazing group of people, for a little over six years including my maternity leave.  I was back at work for four days before I was laid off.  I was absolutely devastated.  Not only did I lose a career in a field that I loved and had a passion for, but I also lost the community of people that have been there for my wedding and the birth of Roman, two of the important events in my life.  One thing my Dad often says is that "God only gives people what they can handle".  This was instrumental in me pulling it together and preparing to start the journey down this new path in life.

For a person that has been employed since the age of 15 it was terrifying and confusing to be out of work.  Having not had to look for a job in almost 10 years, I had no resume and no cover letter, but I had desire.  I genuinely enjoy having a job, so I immediately typed up the documents I needed and started applying for jobs.  Instantly I had interviews and job offers!  I was overjoyed!  This was going to be easier than I thought!  But then I started thinking.  After paying for daycare I wouldn't be contributing much to the household bills.  Was it really worth going back to work right away for only a few hundred dollars a month?  Would that time be better spent at home with Roman?

Before I ran this idea past John I had to answer the big question; can we afford it?  I sat down with a pen and paper and started jotting down all of our expenses for the year.  It really is shocking how much money we spend on useless things, and we don't even realize it until you write it down, but I digress.  Luckily John works for an amazing company and it worked out that we would be just as far ahead if I stayed home.  Obviously there were going to be some sacrifices we all had to make, but it could be done.  I revealed my little plan and notes to John and I was surprised to find that he was all for it.

Now it's time to prepare for the adventure of staying home with my special little man full time.  I negotiated a lower interest rate on my credit card (just in case), cut back on our cable and phone services, started stock piling more freezer cooking meals, and got back into looking for coupons.  Roman is going to daycare three days a week, since we've already paid for the month, which gives me time to get everything in order. 

Now that I know his development will be left solely up to me, I feel like I need to have a binder full of activities, crafts, outings (cheap ones) and games for us.  Roman is really blossoming at daycare and I don't want to slow that down. *Side note: Roman stopped crying before I got to the door to leave at daycare this morning!!!!  I want him to have plenty of opportunities to explore, learn, and play with other kids!  I'm overjoyed, and mildly terrified, at the chance to spend all this time at home with Roman.  This is a decision John and I never would have made on our own.  Many parents wish they had the ability to stay home and raise their kids, and I feel so blessed that I was pushed in this direction.  A situation that seemed so catastrophic has a silver lining, and I can't wait for the adventure!

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