Friday, August 29, 2014

Follow Us Friday - August 29, 2014

Today is a very dreary day on the prairies.  Cooler temperatures (10°C), wind and rain is making today a tough one for a little man who lives for being outside.  So John and I are on a mission to keep Roman busy and keep our sanity at the same time.  I'm the type of person that has to stay busy at all times; if I get bored, you're in trouble.  Unfortunately this trait has also been passed on to Roman, much to John's dismay.  This is how we keep our little man busy on a rainy day!
7:00am - Breakfast
Roman and I had the same French toast with berries and Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Protein Oats that we had in the last Follow Us Friday.  I clearly wasn't quite functioning yet because I completely forgot to take a picture.  I can assure you it was just as messy as the last time we had it; for Roman that is.

8:00am - Family Dance Party!
Lately Roman is loving dancing.  We picked up a wireless speaker from Costco yesterday so that we could have some tunes in the kitchen, because sometimes the iPhone just doesn't cut it.  This little speaker puts out some decent sound and it was only $50.  Of course it wasn't on the list of things we needed at Costco, but is anything you buy at Costco ever on the list?

8:05am - Chores and Play Time!
Clearly Roman's love of dance didn't last long today.  John tackled the dishes, with some help from Roman, while I lovingly removed all the blueberry stains from Roman's laundry.  I use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda to remove all the food stains. Not only is it extremely cheap (at most it costs $1 so remove stains from an entire load of clothes), but it is extremely effective.  Even if the stains were missed and washed and dried multiple times, this magical concoction will still remove the stains!  Roman was helping me remove stains for a hot minute before he decided he was bored.  NOOO!  How did it happen so fast!?  John immediately scooped him up and rushed Roman into the garage to play with golf balls.  Good save!  Once the novelty of that wore off, they moved into the house to do some coloring.  I think I might be raising the next Michelangelo!

9:00am - Nap Time
Or so we thought!  After 15 minutes of rolling around I just assumed Roman didn't need a nap.  Turns out he had a dirty bum and needed a fresh diaper, which John was nice enough to change!

9:45am - Nap Time, for real this time
I settled in to work on some blog posts, and John crafted this special snack bagel for himself.  It is a sesame bagel with a pork cutlet and ketchup.  Not something I would personally choose but John wants to make sure everyone knows "It was really good!".

11:30 am - Lunch
Today was an easy lunch since we only had to make one meal for everyone!  John considers himself a tuna salad expert, so he made tuna sandwiches for all of us!  Roman LOVES tuna but prefers his bread on the side and in stick form. It's definitely a messy meal, but as long as he's shoveling good, nutritious food into his mouth, who can really complain?  For dessert, Roman had a toddler puffed rice square.  Basically it's a rice krispie treat that is organic, has less sugar, and more expensive than it's traditional counterpart.  *NOTE: I don't ever make my sandwiches look this fancy.  John thought it needed to be pretty for the blog post.  Note the raw spaghetti holding the tomato onto the top of the sandwich...

12:15pm - Outside Time
How you ask?  Well, we took Roman to the Yara Centre in town to play on the turf.  Now I guess it's not technically outside, but it's still a type of grass, and he can still run around like a crazy man and burn off some of his energy!  He had a great time playing soccer with John and I, but we became obsolete when a couple little boys showed up.  Apparently standing inches from someone your own height and staring them in the eyes is way more fun than playing with your parents.....  On our way home we stopped by the local pool and signed Roman up for swimming lessons!  This will be his second time taking lessons and I can't wait!  Granted it is a lot of work and can be a giant pain in the butt to haul him to the pool twice a week for only 1/2 hour in the pool each day, but he lives for the water and seeing him happy in the pool is worth every ounce of effort from me!  Plus I could also use the exercise!

This is when we divide and conquer!  At 2:00pm I headed into the kitchen to bake some banana bread!  Last night I had a bunch of frozen bananas come down on my feet when I was getting vegetables out for Roman.  This was the straw that broke John's back and he was going to throw them out!  I figured I'd better get moving and make some banana bread before my bananas were all gone.  While I was baking, John and Roman had snack time!  The menu consisted of cheese, crackers, avocado, part of an Old Fashioned Apple Crisp squeeze pouch and milk.

3:00pm - Nap Time
This meant laundry and blogging time for John and I.  We also may have sliced off a few pieces of fresh banana bread and hovered over the counter eating them....

6:00pm - Supper
Tonight we had Honey Garlic Pork Bites with rice and sautéed vegetables.  This was something I invented while processing a massive pork loin we purchased at Costco yesterday.  The was a product that was recommended on a Mommy Facebook page as a good buy.  From a $20 pork loin I ended up with, 1 pork roast, 16 pork chops, and 2 meals of pork bites.  Talk about a good deal and a great way to save money on groceries!  It required a little bit of cutting and prep when we got home, but it was definitely worth it!

6:30pm - Playtime with Dad
John and Roman started playing inside after supper, but it was soon apparent that this was not going to work.  Roman had had enough with this inside business and wanted to go outside NOW!  So we bundled him up in a windbreaker and mitts and they headed outside.  There is no child happier than this one when he is outside!  The only small downfall was that he was unable to pick and eat green tomatoes, which caused a small outburst of screaming and stomping.  There is nothing cuter than this child getting frustrated and stomping, but I do realize that the day will come when he's losing it in the grocery store that it will not be so cute anymore.  Until that day, I shall enjoy it.

7:00pm - Tubby Time!
Dirty baby + water = clean baby.  That's all I'm privy to.

8:00pm - Bed Time
Which means it's time for me to finish up this blog post, possibly start another, and to work on some other projects.  I really wanted to whip up the food item that goes with a blog post I want to do, but I think I'm done baking for one day.  Hopefully I'll get to it one day this week while Roman is at daycare.  I feel a little guilty sending him to daycare when I'm at home but I know it's good for his development (we've seen a big change in his already) and I've already paid for the time.  Ack, first world mother problems.

See you next week!

1 comment:

  1. Yummy, fresh banana bread!! Bruno often threatens to throw out my frozen bananas as well..... And too often the threat is carried through. Lol your supper looks and sounds super scrumptious!
