Friday, August 22, 2014

Follow Us Fridays!!

Since I'm at home full time now, I figure that is as good a reason as any to have more blog posts!  I thought it would be fun to do a "day in the life" type post that highlights one day of Roman's and my week.  What we did, what we ate, and all that fun stuff!  Not only is this a great way to give you ideas of things to do with or feed to your family, but it should keep me from getting in a rut, hopefully. Variety is the spice of life after all!

Without further ado, here is our first Follow Us Friday!

6:30am - Breakfast
Quite possibly Roman's favorite meal of the day!  Today he had French toast sticks with syrup and berries, and milk.  Roman LOVES blueberries, particularly the frozen variety, which is great because they are much easier to keep around.  I had Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup Protein Oats, which is quite possibly my favorite breakfast of all time!

8:00am - Shopping
I needed to pick up a few odds and ends as well as a couple things for an upcoming blog post, so Roman and I headed to Superstore.  If you can go to the grocery store at this time of the morning during the week I highly recommend you do!  The store is virtually empty and all the fresh produce is just being set out!  I'm super lucky that Roman loves shopping so he is quite happy to ride in the cart while I wander around the store.  If he does get antsy I grab him a bag from the produce section because he loves to shake them.  Don't panic I'm right beside him the entire time he has the bag!

9:30am - Snack Time
Roman had a Baby Gourmet pouch in the Old Fashioned Apple Crisp flavour, some fresh raspberries from the garden and milk.  I always taste the pouches before I give them to Roman, just in case.  This is my favorite to taste.  I think I could quite honestly eat the entire pouch myself!

9:45 - Nap Time!!!
Unfortunately this nap time wasn't overly productive for me.  I'm slightly obsessed with a new game on my iPhone.  It's called Scramble, and I think it's for kids because it's made by Disney but I don't care haha.  In the game you run your own food truck and have to cook and serve all the orders.  It's a super stressful game and I love it!  After I ran out of lives I worked on a few blog posts while I watched The View!

11:30am - Lunch
Today for lunch Roman and I are attacking the leftovers in the fridge!  Roman had some Chicken Dijon, mixed vegetables, fresh garden tomatoes, and milk.  I whipped up a Taco Salad or sorts, using taco salad meat & veggies and spaghetti squash.  It was actually really yummy!

12:00pm - Outside Time
While I was meandering through Superstore this morning I came across some sidewalk chalk and thought that would be a great activity for Roman!  The sticks were thick enough that I figured he would be able to hold onto them well enough to color on the driveway and I was right!  Granted it didn't last very long before the soccer ball, tricycle and water puddle started calling Roman's name.  Non the less we had fun!  The weather is amazing today!  It's around 17°C which is a glorious break from the 30°C we've been experiencing lately!

And as life goes with kids, everything kinda fell off the rails at this point.  Roman attempted to go down for a much needed nap at 1:00pm but a certain white, barking beast woke him up,  So we played for awhile until John came home at 2:00pm.  Roman always shares John's lunch and this time it was a tomato salad, bread and an orange.  Finally at 4:20pm Roman went down for his nap, thank heavens!

6:00pm - Supper
Tonight is pizza night for Mom and Dad!  I had my usual Hawaiian Pizza on a thin crust, and John had Pepperoni & Mushroom on thin crust from Dominos.  Did you know you save 60 calories per slice switching from regular crust to thin crust?  I was shocked!  Roman is having Thai Turkey Meatballs, minus the hoisin sauce, with mixed vegetables.  Mixed vegetables are a frequent go to for Roman because he LOVES them!

6:30pm - Outside Time with Dad
And so begins our night time routine.  Roman and John head outside to play in the backyard with the dogs and John usually enjoys a beer while Roman gorges on green tomatoes.  I have never seen a person that loves green tomatoes as much as Roman.  I might have to make fried green tomatoes some day and see if he likes them.  While the boys are out doing boy things, I take this empty house time to clean up from supper, (un)load the dishwasher, pick up toys, anything that is easier to accomplish without a little person running around.  If I happen to move fast enough and get it all done before they come in, I'll often have my "dessert" which consists of a mug of David's Tea or I'll head outside and water the garden/flowers with the boys.  This usually end with Roman soaked to the diaper from the hose, which is perfectly fine because next is....

7:30pm - Tubby Time!
This is all John, unless he has a meeting in which case I fake my way through doing it Dad's way.  Little is known about what goes on during tubby time.  All I know is that it involves laughing, splashing, and sometimes a little crying.

8:00pm - Bed Time
Here ends the day for Roman.  After Roman went to sleep I picked up the toys he drug out after tubby time, then settled in to finish up this blog post and edit the photos that go with it.  I'm also working on a few other posts right now as well.  One of which involves cake, so you know it's going to be a good one!  Tomorrow my Mom and I are heading to Saskatoon to do a little shopping.  Mostly I'm going along for the Kernels popcorn, specifically the creamy caramel flavor, that I know we will be having on the ride home!  And of course to hang out with my awesome Mama!!

Hope you enjoyed tagging along on our day!  See you next Friday!


  1. I came on because for some reason I thought today was Thursday. (I thought yesterday was Saturday... sometimes Friday.. *sigh*) and was pleasantly surprised to yay find a new Friday post!!! This one is my favourite so far, I always wonder what everyone else is doing with their day... especially with kids! I wonder how other people are surviving sometimes long days keeping these little toddlers fed, happy and entertained ALL DAY LONG. lol. I'm assuming this was last Friday, as it's only 9am and you already had a full day....? Or maybe it was another day this week and you're in Stoon today? If you're in Stoon today I hope you have a fun and successful day with your mom!! Let's see, I had a lot of thoughts/comments as I was reading this, but now I forget them all. First, whatever you ate for breakfast. Is it something you make on your own or something you find? I love the duration of unsuccessful naps but always feel guilty when naptime is over and I didn't do anything. lol. Although lately that's my "me-time" that I'm taking advantage of! Cleaning/being productive can wait until the munchkin is awake. Oh, the green tomatoes! Gross! Actually, I don't know if I've ever tried any, just the thought sounds terrible. lol. Leave it to Roman to LOVE it! (P.S. That b'fast picture is adorable!!!) Leila likes to pick all my green tomatoes - I think she thinks she's helping. And I have a small heart attack everytime I see a new tomato on the ground that she's picked off that no longer has a chance to ripen on the vine. Kids.. I better quit before my comment is as long as your blog. Thanks for sharing a peek of your day!!

    1. My breakfast I make and I'm hoping to make it a post soon! I love it and it's super good for you! I'm glad you enjoyed the new post!!
