Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rethink Leftovers

We all have them in our fridge, some of which might be furry (don't be ashamed, it happens to everyone), and others may never be eaten.  But what if there was a way to turn your leftovers into something new and delicious?  Sounds like a great idea right?  Sometimes all it takes is a little creative thinking to whip up a tasty meal!

While digging through the fridge I found half an onion, half a pepper, and some deli ham from Roman's baptism (don't panic, this post was written right after Roman's baptism but it kinda got lost in the Easter posts.  I did not eat 2 month old lunch meat!).  Doesn't really sound like much of a meal, but when you add it to crushed tomatoes, shredded cheese, and a frozen pizza crust, you have one delicious meal!  I don't normally put meat on my homemade pizza, let alone deli meat, but John and I are REALLY getting sick of eating sandwiches!

Homemade pizza is a great way to use up leftover veggies from a weeks worth of meals.  Plus when made at home, pizza is a fairly healthy meal!  I love to use naan or flat bread as a pizza crust because they are the perfect size for a personal pan pizza.  This way John can have his with minimal sauce, tons of meat, and hot sauce and I get my super saucy, veggie packed, pizza!  It would be great to let kids create their own personal pizza as well.  Then if they decide to put strange things on it you don't have to eat it! 

I used the leftover can of crushed tomatoes from the pizza to make pasta sauce the next night.  There is something so satisfying about making food that uses up odds and ends in the fridge!  Using food you already have on hand, that would otherwise end up in the garbage, also saves you money.  Maybe I just need to get out more if I find this exhilarating...

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