Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Oatmeal Pankcakes

Normally Roman has oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, but nobody wants to eat the same thing every day for breakfast, not even a baby.  I like the nutrition that Roman gets from his oatmeal so I decided to just switch up the way I make it!

This is a childhood classic and I knew it was time for Roman to experience the pure joy that is the pancake!  This recipe was originally posted on Simplistically Sassy and I made a few changes to tailor it to Roman.

Oatmeal Pancakes - Make 13 pancakes
2 1/2 cups oat flour
2 eggs
1 1/2 cups milk
2T oil
2T unsweetened applesauce
2T baking powder

Whip eggs with a whisk and add in all other ingredients.  Since I already have whole flake oats on hand that I use to make Roman's oatmeal, I decided to mill them down into a fine flour rather than buying oat flour.

Spray a pan with oil and heat to medium high.  Drop 1/4 cup of the batter onto the pan.  Cook until bubbles form and pop on the surface of the pancake, about 1 minute.  Flip the pancake and cook for 1 more minute.

Not likely your little one is going to eat all these pancakes in one sitting.  Allow the pancakes to cool completely and wrap them individually in plastic wrap, then pop them into a freezer bag and freeze.  To serve, simply defrost in the microwave or pop them in the toaster!

Obviously I didn't submerge Roman's pancake in a delicious sea of sticky, sweet syrup.  Instead I topped it with a smear of peanut butter and a few raspberry pieces.  You could also make a thick fruit puree and spread it on top like jam.  PB & J pancakes, how could a baby resist?!

As you can see these pancakes have received the Roman stamp of approval!  He couldn't get the pancake into his mouth fast enough!  Not only is this a great way to switch up breakfast, but it also gives him the opportunity to learn how to feed himself.  It's a messy affair but they have to learn somehow!

**NOTE: I am not a dietitian or doctor. Always consult a health care professional before changing your infants diet.

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