Thursday, May 15, 2014

Chicken Packets

I realized a few days ago that we haven't had chicken in a long time since we have a freezer full of beef.  So I decided to bust out an old recipe that I haven't made in close to 5 years.  John absolutely LOVES this recipe so he was ecstatic when he realized what I was making.  It also happens to be a one dish meal that can be customized to what you like or what you happen to have in your fridge!

Sometimes that hardest part of deciding on what to make for supper is coming up with a side dish.  Steamed veggies can get old after awhile, and there are only so many things you can do to rice.  What if you could make your main and side dishes all at once and they would all taste amazing?  It is all possible with these chicken packets and I'll show you how!

Chicken Packets - Makes 2 Packets
2 chicken breasts
2 cups cooked rice
1 cup bell pepper, chopped
1 cup broccoli, cut into florets
2/3 cup salad dressing of your choice
tin foil

Cut two large pieces of tin foil.  You want them large enough that it will they it will completely enclose all the ingredients in a pouch.  Divide the rice and vegetables in half and layer them onto the tin foil with the shiny side in.  Top each portion with a chicken breast and sprinkle with salt.

This is where things get interesting!  Pour salad dressing over each portion and top with parsley.  The salad dressing will form the sauce for the entire dish.  Changing the dressing you use completely changes the taste of this dish.  We all have a few salad dressings in our fridge that hardly get used, so this is a great way to use them up.  Plus you could make each portion a different flavor, catering to everyone in your family's tastes, all while only having to make one meal!

Fold the tin foil over the chicken and seal all the edges.  *TIP - make sure to fold the tin foil up rather than down as this will prevent juices from leaking out of the pouch.  Place the pouches on a cookie sheet and bake at 350° for 40-45 minutes or until chicken is cooked through.

Open the pouches and enjoy!  You can either transfer your meal onto a plate or, as John and I like to do, eat it right out of the pouch (just be careful not to eat the tin foil!!).  The broccoli and peppers are perfectly cooked and absolutely delicious because they steam inside the pouch in the salad dressing.  The chicken is always super moist and best of all you don't have to use an ounce of oil! 

This dish is not only delicious and good for you, but its incredibly easy.  These pouches can be assembled the night before and all you have to do it pop them in the oven, which makes them a great option for a busy family.

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