Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Haystack Easter Nests

Haystacks, or uncooked cookies as Mom calls them, have always been a staple in our family.  I'm not sure where the recipe originated, but as far back as I can remember there have always been haystack cookies.  The perfect combination of chewy oats, sweet coconut and delicious chocolate make for an irresistible cookie.

I decided to give this family favorite a twist and turn it into a festive Easter treat.  With the addition of candy covered chocolate eggs, these simple cookies are instantly transformed into the perfect Easter treat!

Haystack Cookies - Makes 4 dozen
3 cups oats
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup butter
2 cups sugar
1/2 cup milk
1t vanilla
candy covered chocolate eggs (just buy a lot because you know you will eat the leftovers anyway)

Combine butter, sugar, milk and vanilla in a small pot over medium high heat.  Bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes.  In a large bowl mix together oats, cocoa powder and shredded coconut. 

Pour syrup over the oat mixture and stir until well combined.

Using a teaspoon, drop the mixture onto a parchment lined baking sheet.  While still warm, press a candy covered chocolate egg into the centre of each cookie.  Allow the cookies to cool before removing from the parchment paper.  To speed up the process you can place the trays in the freezer.

These cookies would make a great treat to take to work, or send to school with your kids, for Easter.  These cookies also freeze incredibly well, not that you'll have any left to freeze.  You don't even need to thaw them to eat them.  Just open the bag and stuff them in your mouth.  They are the perfect cookie for hiding in the back of the freezer and snacking on when nobody is looking.  Not that I would know anything about that...


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  2. It is probably that it is cooling too much before you get your cookies formed. You could try transferring the mixture back to the pot and keeping it over very low heat just to keep it warm until you can form all your cookies. I hope you like them!!
