Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Frozen Yogurt Drops

Roman is becoming more independent every day (*tear*) and lately he prefers to feed himself.  This poses a bit of a problem when I'm trying to feed him pureed food.  I'm all for letting him run wild with chunks of food, but giving a 9 month old a bowl full of pureed food and a spoon, I think not.  So I've been racking my brain trying to come up with recipes for nutritious foods that he can feed himself.

I've seen yogurt drops in bags at the grocery store, but I'm not completely sold on pre-packaged baby food.  I try to steer away from processed food and added sugar as much as I can with Roman.  Plus I'm just too cheap to buy them when I know I can make them for much much less!

I didn't really go by any measurements when making these yogurt drops, more of a mix and taste type system.  I pureed most of the berries and mixed them into the yogurt.  I left some of the blueberries whole because Roman likes texture in his food.  If you have a younger child I would suggest pureeing all the fruit.

The plan was to use a piping bag and make perfectly symmetrical drops of yogurt, but that went out the window when Roman decided naps were for wimps and he needed to play in the kitchen.  Instead of hauling him downstairs with me to find the tools I needed, I decided to drop the yogurt onto a parchment lined baking sheet with a spoon.  If you are going to pipe them, I highly suggest letting your fruit and yogurt mix sit in the fridge to set up a bit which will make it easier to pipe.

I popped them in the freezer and within 30 minutes they were frozen enough to be removed from the parchment paper.  I stored my drops in a plastic tub in the freezer.  Obviously these yogurt drops aren't as easy to travel with as the freeze dried version, but they are still delicious!  They also make a great snack for adults and older children.

These have become the standard "dessert" for the end of every meal for Roman.  He starts smiling and squealing as soon as he sees the container come out of the freezer. Roman loves stuffing these into his mouth and sucking on them until they disintegrate. I'm sure we will all be eating a lot of these this summer.

**NOTE: I am not a dietitian or doctor. Always consult a health care professional before changing your infants diet.

1 comment:

  1. A great healthy snack for adults too. Can almost taste them.
