Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Saving Money on Groceries

Who doesn't like to save money!?  I personally love a deal and the feeling I get when I feel like I'm stealing something from the store (I do not recommend this!).  We've all seen the shows on TV proclaiming that you need to be a crazy coupon lady or forage for salad greens in the forest to save money.  The reality there are easier ways to save money, and these are a few of the ways I do it!

The first, and I think most important, is meal planning!  I know it's not always fun, and it's not really a big secret, but it really is a HUGE step towards saving money.  I usually plan out my meals for 1-2 weeks at a time.  This way I know I have enough food in the house and I won't have to run out for odds and ends.  At the same time I know that I have ingredients in the house that will actually make an entire meal.  There is nothing worse than having a house full of food but you can't make a meal with it.

Hit the discount rack!  Most stores will have a "reduced for quick sale" rack in the bakery and the produce isles.  Many of the items the bakery discounts are there because they are a day or two old.  I will often pick up a few dozen buns or a few loaves of bread when they are on the discount rack and freeze them.  Treats like brownies or a cake are great finds on the discount rack because, lets be honest, it isn't going to last long enough in the house to go bad.  The discounted produce can sometimes be dicey.  The only item I really pick up here is bananas.  They are usually 1/2 price and are ready for delicious banana bread!  I've even been lucky enough to find organic bananas for the same price as the discounted regular bananas!  No need to store them in the freezer for 5 months.....please tell me I'm not the only person who has a freezer door FULL of bananas....

If the store you shop at has a rewards card, use it!  Whether the points can be used for free groceries or trips around the world, you might as well collect the points since your spending the money anyway!

Make freezer meals!  I LOVE freezer cooking!  I can spend a few hours on a weekend cooking and make enough meals to last us 1-2 weeks.  Not only does this save me a ton of time making supper each night, but it also saves a lot of money!  When your freezer is stocked with tasty, healthy, easy meals, the temptation of take out is obliterated.  Freezer cooking can be intimidating, but if you take the time to plan it will be a walk in the park!  My absolute favorite website for freezer cooking recipes is Once a Month Meals.  They have amazing recipes and I have yet to find one that isn't delicious.

Buy the whole animal!  Why pay someone to cut up your meat when you can?  Whole chickens are great roasted and the meat can be eaten as is, used in wraps, pasta, or soup.  The bones are great to boil and make homemade broth.  Now butchering your own cow or pig may not be an option, but purchasing a half or whole animal from a local farmer can save you a whack of cash!  It is a larger outlay of cash in the beginning, but you won't have to purchase meat for a long time.  Plus many of these farmers raise grass fed, hormone free, happy animals, that the stores charge top dollar for!

Saving money on groceries doesn't always mean sacrificing tasty, organic, or healthy foods.  With these tips you will be well on your way to reducing your grocery budget while still enjoying your favorite meals! 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome post! I no longer am allowed to have a freezer door full of bananas because my husband throws them out. Truthfully, I collected them way more than I used them so can't really blame him.. lol

    I'm in full agreement with buying half/full cow from a local farmer! It's delicious, and chances are you never have to buy beef from the grocery store again! Especially if your husband is a farmer, then you have ground meat coming out of your ears and you just want a piece of chicken for once! lol
