Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Meal Plan - April 26, 2017

Time for more food! I love shopping for food almost as much as I like eating it, so I thoroughly enjoy grocery week. This time around I have a lot of chicken meals planned. I didn't really set out with that goal in mind I just kind of happened as I was going through my recipes.
Thai turkey meatballs
Homemade pierogies and sausage
Pineapple Teriyaki Chicken
Homemade pizza
Jalapeno cream cheese chicken
Fajita bowls
Chicken stir fry

All of the meals from last week were super delicious. Roman was confused with the whole fresh roll business. When I first set then down on the table Roman turns to me and says "Mom, I think these have plastic on them". Fast forward 5 minutes and he was dipping his fresh roll into the satay sauce like an old pro. I don't think he was a huge fan of it but I give him props for trying it!

I'm hoping I'll be able to try out a few new breakfast/lunch/snacks in the next couple weeks that I can turn into blog posts. Life has been so crazy lately that I've really fallen behind in my blogging. There are so many things I would love to turn into posts but finding the time has been difficult lately. But, I will persevere and hopefully I'll be able to carve out a few minutes. What are your favorite type of posts to see? Let me know in the comments down below and I'll try my best to get them into the mix!

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