Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Our day at Depot and the RCMP Heritage Museum

Last week one of the moms for our playgroup planned a trip to the RCMP Heritage Museum and Depot in Regina (Thanks Jenn!!) It has been years since I was last at Depot, so I was really excited to take Roman. Because the parade was right at lunch time, I opted to take Bianca to my parents' house. She had a blast playing with Grandma and Grandpa so she still had a good time.

We started off our visit with the RCMP Heritage Museum. They had an eye-spy game all set up and ready for the kids. Roman grabbed his clipboard and we were off into the museum to see if we could find all the photos on his list.

I honestly didn't get a whole lot of time to actually look at each exhibit or read much, but what I did see was pretty cool. The museum chronicles the history of the RCMP right from their inception. There was an area set up as a crime scene and they had examples of all the tools they use to solve the crime. Roman found matching bullets, compared his finger prints to the samples, and matched the tread of a shoe to one left in a trash can at the scene. They also had an area where the kids could dress up in RCMP uniforms and hats. I couldn't convince Roman to dress up but he didn't have a problem sticking his head in a façade of a Mountie. Of course, I couldn't let him have all the fun!

Next on the list were the stables! Not the real stables of course, but close enough for Roman! Okay, so maybe I was a little excited too. This stable came complete with virtual reality horses! Hop up in the saddle, strap on the virtual reality goggles, and you are instantly participating in the musical ride! The saddle even rumbles and vibrates like your riding an actual horse. It was almost a little too real. Roman LOVED it, and a few of the moms and I also got in on the action. I think we'll have to get Roman on a real horse this summer since he had so much fun with the virtual variety.

Once we finished our eye-spy sheet we headed off to check out the gift shop. They had a ton of cool stuff; kids riot helmets, Mountie shirts, toy cars and maple leaves galore. I told Roman he could pick out something small but he wasn't interested. So, we found a spot to sit and have a snack while we waiting for the parade. While we were sitting there a couple RCMP officers came into the museum. Roman was in awe. They came over and talked with him for a few minutes and once of them even let Roman wear his hat. I think the five minutes Roman spent with the two officers was way more fun for him than anything he could have picked up in the gift shop.

Then it was time to make the trek to where the parade was being held. If you've ever been to Saskatchewan, specifically southern Saskatchewan, then you know it has a tendency to get windy down here. It was so windy in fact that they had to move the parade into the drill hall. It was actually great for us since we had a ton of kids with us, and a couple tiny ones.

There is something about RCMP marching and the RCMP band playing that just never gets old. I think the moms almost enjoyed it more than the kids did. Roman watched the entire parade in awe. I asked him part way through if he wanted to be a police officer when he grew up, thinking he would obviously say yes. Nope, turns out he thought the band seemed like more fun. I must admit, that is a little easier on my mommy nerves! haha. If you are ever in Regina I highly recommend visiting Depot!

This was by far one of the best field trips our playgroup has been on! Everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and nobody was pecked by a emu, ran over by an alpaca, or generally hurt in any way. Yes, those have actually happened. Now that spring is here I'm sure we'll have many more group adventures!

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