Monday, January 2, 2017

Home Preschool - January 2017

A new year means it's time to re-evaluate and adjust things. I noticed, especially during December, that we just didn't have time to get to all the activities that I had planned. December is a bit of an anomaly because we're so busy with parties, blog posts, baking, and all things Christmas, but I think it will be good to scale back the activities a bit. I'm hoping this way I won't feel so overwhelmed and won't try to rush Roman through the activity because it "has to get done".

I'm also well aware that we are likely going to spend a good amount of time playing with all the things the kids get for Christmas, and playing in their new playroom!

The only activity we managed to find time for in December was the laminated ornaments. They turned out really well and I think we'll probably make more next year to hang in the windows as well.

Here is what I have planned for January!!

1st-7th: Magic milk paint
8th-14th: Winter Paintings
15th-21st: Eskimo craft
22nd-31st: Drawing with cars

I know Roman is going to love drawing with his cars, and I'm sure the paintings will go over well. Maybe Bianca will also get in on the drawing with cars since she loves pushing cars around too.

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