Friday, January 20, 2017

Meal Plan - January 20th

Time for more food! Does anyone else get excited about grocery shopping or is it just me? I mean, it's basically an excuse to shop and spend a ton of cash (at least in our house), and since it's something we need it's totally acceptable. Plus I seriously LOVE food and the whole grocery shopping ritual. I set out into the wild isles of Superstore with my two helpers and a backpack of snacks, to find the most delicious food and the best deals. This shopping trip was a little different because John was on holidays so he joined us on the adventure!
I realized the other day that my meal plans might need a little more explaining. I usually plan for approximately 8 meals for two weeks, which might not seem like enough. So this week I wrote down what we ate each night for supper. We ate all of the 9 meals I had planned in the January 6th meal plan and had leftovers 5 nights. We also had leftovers for lunch today and there are still some in the fridge that I need to use up. I try to have a leftover night every 2-3 nights so we don't end up wasting food. At the very least I know it's time for a leftover night when I run out of Tupperware containers.

Here's the eats for the next two weeks!

Fried couscous with chicken
Eggroll in a bowl
Thai turkey meatballs
Homemade pizza
Chicken lettuce bowls
Spaghetti alfredo with chicken and mushrooms
Spaghetti with tomato sauce

If there is anything I have planned this week that you'd like to see a recipe for, comment below!

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