Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Playroom Makeover & DIY Play Kitchen

When John and I started talking about Christmas presents for the kids, we both thought it would be a fun idea to finally finish the playroom for the kids! With two kids, and Christmas coming, it's only a matter of time before the current state of the toys in the living room gets out of control. Now that Roman is getting older, he often wants to play with his toys in peace, away from Bianca who wants nothing else but to play with Roman all the time. Plus I feel like it's a right of passage to have a play room where you can spread all the toys out and make a giant mess. The best part? I can close the door and walk away :)

This room was in a pretty sad state when we started out. Bare concrete floor, wood panelling in the closet and no ceiling. Unfortunately we didn't have the time, to drywall the ceiling, but I don't think Roman will notice.

The beauty of young kids is that you can have them help with their Christmas present and they have no idea! Roman and I got a head start on the room but spending a couple of Bianca's naps painting! We didn't get it all done in one shot, but at least it's started. Then on one of John's days off, the boys started laying the same laminate flooring that we laid throughout the rest of the house during the flooring marathon. Again, didn't get it finished but it gave us a head start for today!

In an effort to finish this project before Christmas, we shipped the kids off to Grandma and Grandpa's house for a sleepover (Bianca's first!)! While John finished the flooring, I finished painting the blue and green. I had to let the paint dry for awhile before I could start the middle stripe, so while I waited I got started on the kitchen.

John and Roman had already removed the backing from the stand and cut a fridge and freezer door from a sheet of MDF. We took the doors off, and I got down to painting. We had some leftover white Valspar paint in the house, and it has really great coverage so I didn't think it was necessary to sand the stand first. It took 3 coats to cover everything, but it didn't take too long to complete because I blasted the infrared heater at it in between coats. Once it was completely dry, John installed the bowl for the sink. I had purchased a good sized round bowl from the dollar store but it was too big. Luckily, Superstore's deal of the week awhile back was a set of plastic containers. So we stole one from the set, cut a hole to fit, and glued it in. Roman ended up pulling it out in the first day in the room, so John eventually had to screw it in.

To make the burners on the stove, I traced around a bowl and painted the circles black craft paint. For the fridge door I decided to turn it into a chalk board. Chalk paint is pretty expensive but I got lucky and found some at Dollar Tree in the craft section. I wasn't sure how well it was going to work but I figured it was worth a shot. Be darned, that paint works just dandy!

I finished the kitchen about the same time as John finished up the floor, so I quickly painted the white stripe around the room and we were done! Or at least for today. Just before Christmas John installed the hinges and attached the doors to the kitchen and we filled the room with all the toys we needed to leave the living room.

The kids love the playroom, and John and I loved seeing Roman's reaction on Christmas Eve. There were a few things that I still want to do in the space. Obviously it's going to need a ceiling of some sort eventually, a window box would me nice, and I'd really like to make the closet more functional and cover it with a cool curtain. I also noticed that I forgot to paint the window onto the oven door. I'm sure we'll get to all these things eventually (hopefully before the kids are teenagers) but for now, I'm just glad that they finally have a space that is their own!

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