Friday, January 6, 2017

Meal Plan - January 6th

How has it already been two weeks since my last meal plan post? It never ceases to amaze me how the holidays can just suck away time like that.
With the holidays comes food. A lot of food. We hosted Christmas dinner here, so we had/have the leftovers. I know some people love turkey buns; Mom, Selby and John could eat them for days, but it just isn't my thing. So I used the leftover turkey meat, and one leg bone, to make turkey noodle soup, the mashed potatoes will be the topping for the sheppard's pie I'm making tonight, and that will take care of what is left. We also have a few meals left over from the last meal plan since we had extra food to eat.

Baked Chicken Chimichangas
Chicken Avocado Burritos
Pizza Pulls
Chicken strips and fries
Burgers and fries
Ham & Swiss Stromboli
Chicken quesadillas

The Ham & Swiss Stromboli was a huge hit last week, hence why I'm making it again. And why I'll likely be making it at least monthly from now on. Plus it's pretty inexpensive. One day I'll have to share how I make my quesadillas. After falling in love with the old version of the Boston Pizza quesadilla, I spent my college days attempting to perfect them so I could have them at home, and I finally did it! The secret will surprise you.

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