Thursday, May 28, 2015

Plan With Me - June 2015

It's hard to believe that I'm already planning the month of June!  Why can't the winter months blow by this fast?  June is a busy month for our family since most of the birthdays for our family are in this month, and John, Roman and I are taking our first trip to Toronto to visit John's family since Roman was born.  Yes this means Roman's first time on a plane; please pray for us.

The color scheme in my planner for the month of June is teal, and it just so happens that I have a ton of washi that coordinates with it.  Obviously I couldn't resist adding a plane sticker for our trip, and I decided to mark the birthdays with some interesting washi as well.

I have been not so patiently waiting for an opportunity to use these cool sea creature stickers that I found at Dollar Tree.  A little scrapbook paper and some washi tape and this page is done!

I've also been dying to use the fabric tape I found at Michael's awhile ago.  Both the flower pattern and polka dot tape are both fabric tape.  Like I said, we have a lot of birthday's in June so you'll probably notice a lot of cupcake stickers on the weekly views, marking the different special days!

This is by far my favorite week of June.  No, not because it's my birthday week, but because the entire page came together so well.  The little birds and butterflies are super adorable and it makes them even cuter that they came in a sticker book for only a few dollars!

I couldn't resist make only truly summer inspired page.  If neon washi doesn't scream summer then I don't know what does!  I'm not sure what I'm going to do with the blank page on the right (maybe use it as extra note space) but I'm sure I'll find a use for it once I get into June.

Hopefully you enjoyed this post and be sure to share a photo of your favorite spread for the month of June from your planner!

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