Thursday, May 14, 2015

Mother's Day 2015

I love Mother's Day!  Even before I was a Mom I loved Mother's Day because it is yet another day of the year that our family gets together to visit and eat great food!  It's really like a mini Thanksgiving!

This year everyone came over to our house and we went out to the Cornerstone Inn for brunch.  I really meant to take pictures of the food (which is always amazing!) but I was clearly too busy stuffing my face and keeping the food moving towards Roman to remember to pull my camera out.  The spread was amazing; hashbrowns, eggs, bacon, the best breakfast sausages I've ever eaten, wafflers with homemade whipped cream, veggies, roast beef, ginger chicken, roast pork, pasta, fruit and of course dessert!  I know this is horribly unfair to speak of such amazing food and not have any photos of it to share.  Believe me, I get the need for food porn and I totally dropped the ball this time.  I promise next time I will overload with photos!

After we were all pleasantly packed with food, we headed over to Keon Garden Centre to check out the flowers!  It's still a bit early to plant anything outside but it has become a bit of a tradition to hit up the greenhouses on Mother's Day.  Roman was quite excited when he spotted the giant piles of landscaping rocks.  I'm sure he would have loved to spend the entire day in the rocks but we had different plans!
I realised a bit too late that we had forgotten the stroller at home, but we got lucky and Keon had carts that had a spot for a kid.  He had a blast riding around in the cart for the most part and when he finally started to get squirrely, John took him over to the sandbox that they have for kids to play in.  Clearly these people know how to take your money!  Mom ended up with a cat tail looking plant and a few other shade plants, and I went home with two pots for the planters in our driveway.

By this time Roman was really ready for a nap.  The fun of hanging out with everyone had worn off and he was getting cranky!  We dropped off John, Roman and my Dad at our house for naps and beer (clearly that part isn't for Roman), and Mom and I headed off to Windmill Greenhouse.  We didn't find much there so we stopped by Peavy Mart to check out what their greenhouse had.  Unfortunately we didn't find any more plants that we just had to have, so e stopped by 7-11 and picked up some pop for Mom and a Slurpee for me!

This is basically the end of Mother's Day.  We spent the rest of the day hanging out a enjoying our last day of rest before John headed back to work the next day.  Oh, and I almost forgot!  Look at this amazing gift that John made me for Mother's Day!  I didn't know he had a crafty bone in his body but apparently I've been missing out!  I think I'll have to put him to work on a few of the projects I have going right now!  I hope you all had a great Mother's Day!

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