Tuesday, February 17, 2015

It's My Blog-iversary!

I can't believe it has already been a year since I published my first post!  I knew my blog-iversary was coming up, but was a little surprised to realize that it was so soon!  When I mentioned it to John he was even more surprised because he thought it seemed like I had only been working on my blog for a few months.

Looking back on some of my earlier posts I can absolutely see that I have grown and evolved as a writer (I use that term loosely).  Not only has it become easier for me but now my posts seem much less robotic.  I have noticed as time has gone on that it can sometimes be difficult to find inspiration for posts, but I also embrace the challenge of trying to come up with new and interesting topics.  My blog has been a great way for me to document the changes in Roman as well as family events.  Follow Us Friday posts have filled my computer to the brim with photos of Roman, which will make for a killer photo album if I ever get that far.

Probably most importantly, this blog has given me a creative outlet when I don't have time for a large craft project, or even a small one for that matter.  I get to keep my mind busy and the juices flowing, hopefully warding off Alzheimer's, and it's all because you stop by to read my posts!  Thank you for taking time out of your busy day to see what one zany person decides to post on the internet.  I hope this coming year is just as exciting and interesting for the both of us!

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