Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Waffles

Enough said right?  What more could you possibly want for breakfast than a warm, heaping stack of banana bread waffles?  Chocolate chip banana bread waffles of course! 

Roman loves to have waffles for breakfast and I like them because I can make a big batch and stick them in the freezer.  Today I knew I wanted to make a different type of waffle for Roman to mix it up a bit.  If you read my recent post about organizing my freezers then you know I have at least a double whack of bananas in my freezer.  **Interesting Fact: A whack is exactly 6; at least according to Mr. Kossmann, my high school physics teacher.**  I knew I wanted to make a banana waffles and when you think of frozen bananas you immediately think of banana bread.  So why not make a banana bread waffle?!

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread Waffles
2 cups flour
3t baking powder
1/2t salt
3 egg yolks
1 3/4 cups milk
4T melted butter
1t vanilla
3 egg whites
3T sugar
1 cup chocolate chips

Stir together flour, baking powder and salt.  In a separate bowl whisk egg yolks, milk, butter and vanilla.  Combine the wet and dry ingredients and mix until well combined.  Using a mixer (or a whisk if you have forearms of steel), beat egg whites until they form stiff peaks.  Add sugar to egg whites while beating continually.  Fold the flour mixture and chocolate chips into the egg whites.  Scoop 1/2 cup of the batter onto a well oiled waffle iron and cook for 3-4 minutes until waffle is golden brown.

To Freeze: Prepare waffles as directed.  Allow them to cool then wrap in plastic wrap and freeze in a freezer bag.
To Serve:  Reheat them in the microwave or the toaster.

These waffles are amazing!  Even when they were in the waffle iron I was salivating just waiting for them to come out.  Don't limit these delicious morsels to just breakfast!  They would make an amazing dessert waffle topped with ice cream and chocolate sauce!  What I wouldn't give to have some vanilla ice cream in this house right now!  Anyone willing to deliver?

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