Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Organization: Bathroom Vanity

It's been awhile since I did an organization post and it's not because I haven't been organizing. I keep forgetting to take before photos so I was wasn't going to post about my projects, but I decided it might still be helpful to see how I organize different areas. I'm still in a major purge phase and I'm loving watching all the stuff leave the house. I feel like the house is finally starting to keep itself more tidy, which means I must be getting close to having just what we need in the house!

Okay, so this is the bathroom that I use to get ready every day. This is literally all the storage there is in this room. As you can tell from the weird paint job (we replaced the vanity after we painted) this room isn't quite finished. I had planned on waiting to organize this room until it was done, but it was just getting to the point that it wasn't functional anymore, so I couldn't wait any longer.

This isn't the first time I've attempted to organize my medicine cabinet. I think the go to method is to line up your products in pretty rows on the shelves in the cabinet. Sounds great right? Wrong! You know the first time you pull out that deodorant from the middle of the row that whole thing is coming down. Then you end up shoving everything back in there because you have other things to do. Solution? Utensil drawer organizers! I found these clear ones at Dollarama and they fit perfectly onto the shelves.

I tried to group like items together, so in the bottom tray are all my cleansers, makeup remover, scrubs, and razors. On the middle shelf are my hair things, and on the top shelf is a random package of wax strips. As I look at this photo now I know for a fact I could probably throw those bad boys away because I don't remember the last time I used them....

On this side I have all my moisturizers, lip balms, toothbrush, cup and toothpaste on the bottom shelf. In the middle is my selection of deodorants (I know, it's excessive, but I was trying out some aluminum free ones), perfume, Beauty Blender and the cleanser for the blender. The top shelf houses all of my face masks. The bottom shelf is a prime example of why the trays are a must have. All of those tiny containers are standing, laying, stuffed and shoved into that tray, but it still looks organized because it's all in one spot and not falling out of the cabinet!

I'm so proud of this drawer! The back story; I have a makeup problem. I LOVE makeup! I love wearing makeup, and buying makeup and possessing makeup. I had eye shadow in every color of the rainbow and blushes in every hue of pink. Half (or more) of which I never or rarely wore. So I took some time on my bathroom floor and really looked at what I used on a regular basis and what I never touched. I packed up all the things I knew I wasn't going to use and let my friends root through the box and take what they wanted. Was the stuff I gave away expensive? Yes, but keeping it in the drawer didn't keep the money in my pocket.

So this is what I'm left with! I found these plastic containers at Dollar Tree and they fit perfectly into my drawer. The top bin has all my eye products like brow pencils, mascara, liner, etc. Under that is a bin of brushes, a bin for blushes (I love me some blush), and a bin for face products like foundation and powders. There are a couple small eye shadow palettes at the front of the drawer, two stuck in with the blushes, and my two larger palettes at the back of the drawer. The kids love digging through this drawer when I get ready so it doesn't always look this nice, but it only takes me a few minutes to put it back together even when they completely destroy it.

This last drawer is a bit of a hodge podge of things. One of these bins is filled with lipsticks, and the other is nail products. The mess in the back of the drawer are my makeup bags for travel as well as my brush roll.

Yup I went there, I'm showing you under my sink. I feel like this is a no-fly zone in most bathrooms, but the bins make all the difference. All my brushes and combs are in one bin, and all my hair products and tools are in another. No more searching for a comb in the morning and when I'm done I just toss it into the bin! And at long last I don't have my flat iron cord wound around every bottle in the cabinet!

Finally I have found a solution that has kept my vanity clean and organized! I promise that if you use bins and baskets to organize your vanity, you will only have to do it once and it will stay organized! What's better than a self cleaning vanity? Well, obviously a self cleaning toilet when you have a little boy learning to aim. If I figure that one out I'll be sure to share it too.

To see more organization posts, click here.

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