Friday, February 3, 2017

Meal Plan - February 3rd

This meal plan is an exciting one for us because we are getting some Hutterite chickens this week! They are by far the best chickens we've ever had. They are the largest chickens I have ever seen, bordering on small turkeys really. Whenever we get them I always make sure to roast a turkey one night and then I can use the leftover meat in other recipes, usually soup.
The Chicken lettuce bowls were amazing (the recipe will be coming)! Everyone liked them and I even ate it for 2 days straight for lunch and supper. Fried couscous with chicken was also delicious so it will be making a comeback in this meal plan! We didn't get to the Egg roll in a bowl from the last meal plan so that meal is moving over into this plan.

Chicken lettuce bowls
Homemade pizza
Roasted chicken with potatoes and veggies
Chicken soup
Toasted pasta
Fried couscous with chicken
Egg roll in a bowl

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