Wednesday, February 15, 2017

5 Days of School Lunches

Congratulations parents of school age kids! You have survived making lunch for half of the school year so far!! I'm sure you and the kids and getting sick of the same old sandwiches so I thought I would share some quick, easy and healthy lunches that are great for school lunches, or adult lunches!

If you've read my Preschool Snack post then you know how much I love packing lunches. Even though Roman isn't in school (other than the home preschool I've put together for him, we are still going to have a crazy busy fall. To save time, and my eardrums from Bianca's hungry/tired screams, I'm planning on packing bento box lunches for all of us during the week. I hate the panic or getting home from the library or playgroup at 12:15/12:30 and trying to get lunch on the table and kids fed before nap time at 1:00/1:30. We all know how impossible it is to get kids, especially babies, to eat when they are completely exhausted.

I find the hardest part of lunch is just deciding what the heck you're going to make. My trick? Keep a list of the go to, fool proof, most loved lunches on the side of the fridge. This way you can give it a quick glance and whip lunch up in no time. I keep mine right beside my grocery list pad so I can make sure that I always stock up on the lunch items I need when I do my bi-weekly shopping trip. On to the food!!
Day 1
Tuna with mayonnaise and green onion, crackers, cherry tomatoes and cheese. Roman loves tuna but when I put it between bread he just eats the tuna off of it , so I pair it with crackers instead.

Day 2
DIY snackables, or lunchables as they were called back in my day. Summer sausage, cheddar cheese, crackers, and pickles. Everyone loves lunchables but they are so darn expensive to buy in the store. You can cut up a whack of meat and cheese and store it in Tupperware containers for the week, then you only have to assemble them at night!

Day 3
Sandwich skewers (bread, cheese& ham), fruit skewers (strawberries, blueberries & grapes), green pepper, dill dip. This was one of Roman's favorite lunches, which is interesting because he is usually hit and miss when it comes to sandwiches. I guess it really is true that kids will eat anything on a stick. Just about everything, except the fruit, eventually ended up in the dill dip, but it also ended up in his mouth so that's a win!

Day 4
Pinwheels (cream cheese, deli chicken, cheddar & lettuce), grapes, carrots & dill dip. I really enjoyed this lunch and so did Roman, except for the lettuce. I thought the pinwheels would disguise the small amount I put in, but I was wrong, so I'd probably skip it the next time I make it.

Day 5
Corn dog muffins, apple slices, carrots & cheese. Corn dog muffins are always a hit with Roman. Of course the first thing he does is dig the hot dog out of the centre but he will eventually eat the muffin. When I make them again I think I'll dice the hot dog up and mix it into the muffin mix to make it harder to extract the hot dog.

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