Monday, December 5, 2016

Home Preschool - December 2016

As I sat down to write this post I was expecting to have to try to justify why we hadn't done any of the activities I had planned. Turns out we did about half of them! The ones we haven't done are mainly due to lack of prep as I didn't have the materials on hand that the activities required. That being said, we still have time as it's currently only the 21st! As I look ahead to the upcoming activities for November I see that I need to make a trip to Bulk Barn and Dollar Tree; hooray!!

Roman really enjoyed decorating his chickens and constructing their eggs and nests. As excited as he was about them I really thought he would play with them longer than he did. The novelty seemed to wear off after a day, but I think a large part of that is that the coop has to be kept up out of Bianca's reach or she tries to destroy it. Maybe I'll try moving it into his room so he can check on his chickens whenever he likes!

He also loved the animal track painting. As soon as I sat the toys and the paint on the table it was game on! You couldn't really tell the difference between the tracks themselves but he had a blast. The whole purpose of the animal/farm projects this month was to get Roman geared up for Agribition! I know for sure that the Muddy Pigs activity has Roman excited. We made two pigs so that he could take one to Grandma and Grandpa's house for their fridge. I was a little surprised that Roman was willing to paint with his hands because he doesn't usually like to, but I think the oats in the paint made it more gross and appealing. The logic of a 3 year old.

Our ocean turned into woodland creature clip cards because I had those stickers on hand. Roman loves anything with stickers so he enjoyed just making the cards themselves. I decided to laminate them to make them last a little longer. These home laminating machines are so handy. If you don't have one I highly recommend picking one up. They aren't very expensive and I seem to use it more than I ever thought I would!

I'm just going to warn you now; most of the December activities are probably not going to happen. With all things Christmas in full swing I have a feeling we'll be working on more holiday crafts and activities than we will be preschool.

1st-10th: Snow Clay, Laminated Ornaments
11th-17th: Paper Plate Christmas Ornament, Feed The Penguin Game
18th-24th: Christmas!!!
25th-31st: Straw Rockets

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