Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Christmas with the Giulianos

After all the hype of Christmas I wanted to share our Christmas with you! 

Traditionally most Germans and Italians celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve, so that is exactly what we do.  John had to work on Christmas Eve but was able to get home early.  As soon as John got home we decided to open presents since Roman isn't exactly the quickest at it and we were worried we'd be there until midnight.  I was impressed that the presents held Roman's attention for as long as they did!  He managed to tear through 3 presents before he was distracted by his Little People Zoo Talker set and decided he was done.  John put the set together for Roman (with some help) and he was quite happy with his new toy.  He even gave it a kiss on the way to bed that night!

In the past we have made a seafood feast for Christmas Eve (lobster, scallops, shrimp and crab) but this year we decided to go a different route.  McDonald's for everyone!  Not exactly a fancy or even Christmasy meal but we thought it would be fun.  Roman inhaled his chicken nuggets and yogurt from his happy meal, while John and I split a holiday share box.  It's been forever and a day since I had a McDonald's chicken nugget and they were delicious!

After the nightly routine of a bath and a few stories, Roman headed off to bed to wait peacefully for Santa to arrive!  The best part of celebrating Christmas on Christmas Eve is you get to open presents on two days!

I was really hoping it would snow overnight so we could have a white Christmas, but that didn't happen.  John and I were up before Roman because we had to get our massive 15 pound turkey in the oven at 6:30am so it would be ready for our Christmas lunch!  The sound of us walking around the house must have woken Roman up because he was up shortly after us.  Strange the sound of Santa and his reindeer on the roof last night didn't wake him?

With the bird in the oven, John and I were more than excited for Roman to open more gifts!  Turns out Roman wasn't all that excited.  He sat beside the presents Santa had left, gave them a good look, then got up to go play with his toys.  Not the reaction we were hoping for but I guess we should have had realistic expectations of a 17 month old.  After some convincing Roman pulled the toys out of his stocking and I ended up opening most of his presents for him.  When he saw that Santa had brought him a Little People Airport he insisted we set it up immediately.  Of course John was happy to oblige. 

After breakfast John and Roman gave the living room a quick clean so it would be ready for the next delivery of gifts.  Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Selby and Stephanie arrived around 10:00am and much to Roman's surprise Santa had left gifts for him at Grandma's house too!  Actually I think Santa left most of Roman's gifts at Grandma's...apparently Santa has no self control...  Instantly our living room was stuffed with people and presents so we decided to dive into the gifts so we would have some room to move.  Plus I think Grandma was dying to see Roman open his gifts.  Roman started with his stocking, which in hindsight probably wasn't such a good idea.  Right on the top of the stocking Santa had left 2 John Deere tractors and a John Deere lawnmower.  At this point Roman had decided he had received everything he could possibly wish for and completely ignored all the other gifts.  Grandpa laughed that Santa could have saved a lot of money and just bought the tractors.  I guess Santa will have to make a note of that for next year.

With the gifts open and Roman happily playing with his plethora of playmates and new toys, I headed into the kitchen to get the rest of our Christmas lunch going.  While the potatoes boiled on the stove I started on the vegetable dish.  This year I decided to make something different from the regular boiled peas/carrots/corn that we usually have.  I made a vegetable salad of sorts (at least that's that my Dad called it) that included brussel sprouts, red swiss chard, onion and mushrooms with garlic and a splash of balsamic vinegar.  Super delicious and good for you!  Not everyone was a fan though.  Selby wouldn't touch it because "there were strange vegetables in there", silly boy didn't know what he was missing!  We also had stuffing, gravy and delicious soft buns, because it isn't Christmas without those things!  I have to apologise for the lack of dinner table photos.  After rushing to get everything ready, then trying to get food into Roman before he lost his mind, it totally slipped my mind to take a photo.

Even with all the action in the house Roman still went down for his nap at 12:30, which I considered a Christmas miracle!  Once the dishes were done, Mom, Selby, Stephanie and myself sat around the table visiting and comparing music on each other's phones while John and Dad hit the rum.  It isn't a holiday celebration until John and Dad hit the booze!  I personally love it because we always end up with a great story out of it.  A few years back they got into a box of wine and we still talk about that night.  They were pretty tame on the rum, but once they got into the liquor filled chocolates, that's when it got interesting!  After they cracked open the Russian Vodka chocolates (that were apparently contaminated from Chernobyl) new words were invented like enformatted and negadivity.  I don't think they'll live those down for awhile. 

While the guys did what guys do, Mom, Roman and I decorated gingerbread cookies and made Santa hats.  Grandma's always arrange the best projects!  Roman did pretty good decorating but he did try to suck the icing right out of the bottles a few times.  I guess he really is my son!  When it came to the Santa hats he was much more interested in eating cool-whip than anything else not that I can blame him.  What a better ending to Christmas than filling your 17 month old up with icing and cool-whip?!

All in all it was a great Christmas spent with good company and good food, which is all that really matters at Christmas time!

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